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The structure of the C text probably had July 5 at heliacal Wasat (Middle), i.e. at δ Gemini between Castor and Pollux (and 14 days after the solstice):

λ Gemini (109.4), WASAT (Middle) = δ Gemini (109.8) no star listed (110)   ALUDRA (Virgin) = η Canis Majoris (111.1), PROPUS = ι Gemini (111.4),  GOMEISA = β Canis Minoris (111.6) ρ Gemini (?) (112.1), Eskimo Nebula = NGC2392 Gemini (112.2)

ANTARES (α Scorpii)

July 5 (186) 6 (*107) 7 8
Ca5-1 Ca5-2 (107) Ca5-3 Ca5-4
E hua ki te henua - ka huki te hau tea - te henua kua hua te henua
January 4 5 (370) 6 (*291) 7
ω Aquilae (292.1), ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7) π Draconis, ARKAB PRIOR = β¹ Sagittarii (293.0), ARKAB POSTERIOR = β² Sagittarii, ALRAMI (Archer) = α Sagittarii (293.2), χ Sagittarii (293.6) DENEB OKAB (Eagle's Tail) = δ Aquilae (Ant.) (294.0), α Vulpeculae (294.9) ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), ALBIREO = β Cygni (295.5)
Al Dhirā'-5 / Punarvasu-7 / Mash-mashu-Mahrū-10 (Western One of the Twins)

CASTOR (Beaver) = α Gemini (113.4)

ANA-TAHUA-VAHINE-O-TOA-TE-MANAVA-7 (Pillar for elocution)

υ Gemini (114.0), MARKAB PUPPIS = κ Puppis (114.7), ο Gemini (114.8), PROCYON = α Canis Minoris (114.9)

α Monocerotis (115.4), σ Gemini (115.7) Mash-mashu-arkū-11 (Eastern One of the Twins)

κ Gemini (116.1), POLLUX = β Gemini (116.2), π Gemini (116.9)

July 9 (190) 10 11 12
Ca5-5 Ca5-6 (111) Ca5-7 Ca5-8
kua iri i te rakau ihe tamaiti erua mago
January 8 9 10 (*295) 11
ALSAFI = σ Draconis (296.0), μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.) (296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9) ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.) (297.4), SHAM (Arrow) = α Sagittae (297.8) β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae (298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8) υ Aquilae (299.1), TARAZED = γ Aquilae (299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π Aquilae (299.9)

A corresponding place in the G text ought to come half a year after having turned the tablet around from side a to side b. Counting for instance 183 glyphs ahead could bring us to a place in the text where the soul of the Dead Man would be reborn:

NOVEMBER 1 2 (306) 3 (*227) 4 5
Ga8-22 Ga8-23 Ga8-24 (227) Ga8-25 Ga8-26
19h (289.2)

λ Aquilae (Ant.) (289.1), γ Cor. Austr (289.3), τ Sagittarii (289.4), ι Lyrae (289.5), δ Cor. Austr. (289.8)

Al Baldah-19

AL BALDAH (City) = π Sagittarii, ALPHEKKA MERIDIANA = α Cor. Austr. (290.1), β Cor. Austr. (290.2)

ALADFAR = η Lyrae (291.1), NODUS II = δ Draconis (291.5), ψ Sagittarii (291.6), τ Draconis (291.7), θ Lyrae (291.8) ω Aquilae (292.1), ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7) π Draconis, ARKAB PRIOR = β¹ Sagittarii (293.0), ARKAB POSTERIOR = β² Sagittarii, ALRAMI (Archer) = α Sagittarii (293.2), χ Sagittarii (293.6)
January 4 5 (*290) 6 7 (372) 8
°December 31 °January 1 2 (*287) 3 (368) 4
'December 8 9 10 (*264) 11 (345) 12
"November 24 25 (329) 26 (*250) 27 28
NOVEMBER 6 7 (*231) 8 9 10 (314)
Gb1-1 (230) Gb1-2 Gb1-3 Gb1-4 Gb1-5
DENEB OKAB (Eagle's Tail) = δ Aquilae (Ant.) (294.0), α Vulpeculae (294.9) ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), ALBIREO = β Cygni (295.5) ALSAFI = σ Draconis (296.0), μ Aquilae (296.3), ι Aquilae (Ant.) (296.8), κ Aquilae (Ant.) (296.9) ε Sagittae (297.1), σ Aquilae (Ant.) (297.4), SHAM (Arrow) = α Sagittae (297.8) β Sagittae (298.0), χ Aquilae (298.3), ψ Aquilae (298.8)
January 9 10 (*295) 11 12 13 (378)
°January 5 (370) 6 (*291) 7 8 9
'December 13 14 (*268) 15 16 (350) 17
"November 29 30 (*254) "December 1 2 (336) 3
NOVEMBER 11 (315) 12 (*236) 13
Gb1-6 (235) Gb1-7 Gb1-8
υ Aquilae (299.1), TARAZED = γ Aquilae (299.3), δ Sagittae (299.6), π Aquilae (299.9) Sravana-23

TYL = ε Draconis (300.0), ζ Sagittae (300.1), ALTAIR = α Aquilae (300.3), ο Aquilae (300.5), BEZEK = η Aquilae (Ant.) (300.8)

ι Sagittarii (301.2), TEREBELLUM = ω Sagittarii, ξ Aquilae (301.3), ALSHAIN = β Aquilae (301.6), φ Aquilae (301.8)
January 14 15 (*300) 16 (381)
°January 10 (*295) 11 12 (377)
'December 18 (*272) 19 20 (354)
"December 4 5 (339) 6 (*260)
NOVEMBER 14 15 16 (320) 17 18 (*242) 164
Gb1-9 Gb1-10 Gb1-11 (240) Gb1-12 Gb1-13
ε Pavonis, θ Sagittarii (302.3), γ Sagittae (302.5), μ Pavonis (302.7 τ Aquilae (303.8) 20h (304.4) SHANG WEI (Higher Guard) = κ Cephei (305.2), θ Sagittae (305.4), TSEEN FOO (Heavenly Raft)  = θ Aquilae (Ant.) (305.6), ξ Capricorni (305.8) TSO KE (Left Flag) = ρ Aquilae (306.3)
η Sagittae (304.2), δ Pavonis (304.4)
January 17 18 (383) 19 (*304) 20 21
°January 13 14 15 (*300) 16 17 (382)
SOLSTICE 'December 22 23 (*277) CHRISTMAS EVE 25 (359)
"December 7 8 9 (*263) 10 11 (345)
MAY 15 16 (136) 17 18 19
DRUS = χ Carinae (119.9) ω CANCRI (120.2) 8h (121.7) ρ Puppis (122.0), HEAP OF FUEL = μ Cancri (122.1), ζ Monocerotis (122.3),  ψ Cancri (122.6), REGOR = γ Velorum (122.7) TEGMINE = ζ Cancri (123.3)
χ Gemini (121.0), NAOS = ζ Puppis (121.3)
July 18 19 (200) 20 21 (*122) 22 / 7
°July 14 15 16 17 (*118) 18 (199)
SOLSTICE 'June 22 23 (174) ST JOHN'S DAY 25 (*96)
"June 7 8 9 (*80) 10 (161) 11
Ga2-25 Ga2-26 Ga2-27 (57) Ga2-28 Ga2-29
MAY 2 (*42) 3 (123) 4 5 (490)
Gb6-25 (229 + 178) Gb6-26 (408) Gb6-27 (180) Gb6-28 (136 + 45)
Ga2-12 (42) Ga2-13 (408 - 365) Ga2-14 Ga2-15 (45)
7h (106.5) WEZEN (Weight) = δ Canis Majoris (107.1), τ Gemini (107.7), δ Monocerotis (107.9) no star listed (108) λ Gemini (109.4), WASAT (Middle) = δ Gemini (109.8)
no star listed (106)
July 5 (186) 6 (*107) 7 8
°July 1 (182) 2 3 (*104) 4
'June 8 (159) 9 (*80) 10 11
"May 25 (144) 26 27 28 (*68)
OCTOBER 31 NOVEMBER 1 2 (306) 3 (*227)
 Al Na'ām-18 / Uttara Ashadha-21 19h (289.2) Al Baldah-19 ALADFAR = η Lyrae (291.1), NODUS II = δ Draconis (291.5), ψ Sagittarii (291.6), τ Draconis (291.7), θ Lyrae (291.8)
NUNKI = σ Sagittarii (288.4), ζ Cor. Austr. (288.5), MANUBRIUM = ο Sagittarii (288.8), ζ Aquilae (288.9) λ Aquilae (Ant.) (289.1), γ Cor. Austr (289.3), τ Sagittarii (289.4), ι Lyrae (289.5), δ Cor. Austr. (289.8) AL BALDAH (City) = π Sagittarii, ALPHEKKA MERIDIANA = α Cor. Austr. (290.1), β Cor. Austr. (290.2)
January 3 (368) 4 5 (*290) 6
°December 30 (364) 31 (*285) °January 1 2
'December 7 8 9 (*263) 10 (344)
"November 23 24 25 (*249) 26 (330)
Ga8-21 Ga8-22 (43 + 182) Ga8-23 Ga8-24 (227)
MAY 6 (*46) 7 (127) 8 (493) 9 (*414)
Gb7-1 (136 + 46) Gb7-2 (183) Gb7-3 (136 + 48) Gb7-4 (414)
Ga2-16 Ga2-17 Ga2-18 Ga2-19 (414 - 365)
no star listed (110) ALUDRA (Virgin) = η Canis Majoris (111.1), PROPUS = ι Gemini (111.4),  GOMEISA = β Canis Minoris (111.6) Ghost-23 (?) Al Dhirā'-5 / Punarvasu-7 / Mash-mashu-Mahrū-10 (Western One of the Twins)
ρ Gemini (?) (112.1), Eskimo Nebula = NGC2392 Gemini (112.2)

ANTARES (α Scorpii)

CASTOR = α Gemini (113.4)
July 9 10 (*111) 11 (384 / 2) 12 (193)
°July 5 6 (*107) 7 8 (189)
'June 12 13 (*84) 14 15 (166)
"May 29 30 (*70) 31 "June 1 (152)
NOVEMBER 4 5 (*229) 6 (310) 7 (*414 - 183)
ω Aquilae (292.1), ρ Sagittarii (292.6), υ Sagittarii (292.7) π Draconis, ARKAB PRIOR = β¹ Sagittarii (293.0), ARKAB POSTERIOR = β² Sagittarii, ALRAMI (Archer) = α Sagittarii (293.2), χ Sagittarii (293.6) DENEB OKAB (Eagle's Tail) = δ Aquilae (Ant.) (294.0), α Vulpeculae (294.9) ν Aquilae (Ant.) (295.0), ALBIREO = β Cygni (295.5)
January 7 (372) 8 9 10 (*295)
°January 3 (368) 4 5 (*290) 6
'December 11 (345) 12 13 14 (*268)
"November 27 (331) 28 29 30 (*254)
Ga8-25 Ga8-26 (412 - 183) Gb1-1 (230) Gb1-2 (49 + 182)

The Chinese 23rd station was the Ghost - a name which could refer to a place where the first breath of the newborn child took place, where he inhaled the Spirit of the Old Man, making him come alive again incarnated as a little child. Gb7-3 is a tamaiti (child) type of glyph.

... The state of the tree loomed large in their thoughts, because it came about at the same time the head of One Hunaphu was put in the fork. The Xibalbans said among themselves: 'No one is to pick the fruit, nor is anyone to go beneath the tree', they said. They restricted themselves, all of Xibalba held back. It isn't clear which is the head of One Hunaphu; now it's exactly the same as the fruit of the tree. Calabash came to be its name, and much was said about it. A maiden heard about it, and here we shall tell of her arrival. And here is the account of a maiden, the daughter of a lord named Blood Gatherer.

And this is when a maiden heard of it, the daughter of a lord. Blood Gatherer is the name of her father, and Blood Moon is the name of the maiden. And when he heard the account of the fruit of the tree, her father retold it. And she was amazed at the account: I'm not acquainted with that tree they talk about. It's fruit is truly sweet! they say, I hear, she said. Next, she went all alone and arrived where the tree stood. It stood at the Place of Ball Game Sacrifice.

What? Well! What's the fruit of this tree? Shouldn't this tree bear something sweet? They shouldn't die, they shouldn't be wasted. Should I pick one? said the maiden. And then the bone spoke; it was there in the fork of the tree: Why do you want a mere bone, a round thing in the branches of a tree? said the head of One Hunaphu when it spoke to the maiden. You don't want it, she was told. I do want it, said the maiden. Very well. Stretch out your right hand here, so I can see it, said the bone. Yes, said the maiden. She stretched out her right hand, up there in front of the bone. And then the bone spit out its saliva, which landed squarely in the hand of the maiden.

And then she looked in her hand, she inspected it right away, but the bone's saliva wasn't in her hand. It is just a sign I have given you, my saliva, my spittle. This, my head, has nothing on it - just bone, nothing of meat. It's just the same with the head of a great lord: it's just the flesh that makes his face look good. And when he dies, people get frightened by his bones. After that, his son is like his saliva, his spittle, in his being, whether it be the son of a lord or the son of a craftsman, an orator. The father does not disappear, but goes on being fulfilled. Neither dimmed nor destroyed is the face of a lord, a warrior, craftsman, an orator. Rather, he will leave his daughters and sons. So it is that I have done likewise through you. Now go up there on the face of the earth; you will not die. Keep the word. So be it, said the head of One and Seven Hunaphu - they were of one mind when they did it ... (Popol Vuh)

In MAY 8 (*413 = 14 * 29½) Antares would have culminated at midnight and July 11 was halfway to day 384 (January 19). MAY 8 (128) + 384 / 2 = 320 (NOVEMBER 16).

1 Horn α Virginis (Spica) Crocodile (202.7) Oct 9 (282) 282 = 265 + 17
2 Neck κ Virginis Dragon (214.8) Oct 21 (294) 294 = 282 + 12
3 Root α Librae (Zuben Elgenubi) Badger (224.2) Oct 31 (304) 304 = 295 + 9
4 Room π Scorpii (Vrischika) Hare (241.3) Nov 17 (321) 321 = 304 + 17
5 Heart σ Scorpii Fox (247.0) Nov 23 (327) 327 = 321 + 6
6 Tail μ Scorpii (Denebakrab) Tiger (254.7) Nov 30 (334) 334 = 327 + 9
7 Winnowing Basket γ Sagittarii (Nash) Leopard (273.7) Dec 19 (353) 353 = 334 + 19
December solstice
June solstice
22 Well μ Gemini (Tejat Posterior) Tapir (95.4) Jun 24 (175) 175 = 164 + 11
23 Ghost ρ Gemini ? Goat (112.1) Jul 11 (192) 192 = 175 + 17
24 Willow δ Hydrae Stag (129.6) Jul 28 (209) 209 = 192 + 17
25 Star α Hydrae (Alphard) Horse (142.3) Aug 10 (222) 222 = 209 + 11
26 Extended Net ε Hydrae / μ Hydrae Ox (131.9 / 157.1) Jul 30 (211) / Aug 25 (237) 237 = 222 + 15
27 Wings α Crateris (Alkes) Snake (165.6) Sep 2 (245) 245 = 237 + 8
28 Chariot γ Corvi (Gienah) Worm (185.1) Sep 22 (265) 265 = 245 + 20
September equinox

... Its leading star is said to be 'q Cancri'. Strangely the internet site Chinese Astronomy never uses Greek letters for the stars, e.g. is Tejat Posterior (μ Gemini) referred to as 'm Gemini'. However, there is no Greek letter corresponding to the letter 'q'. Possibly the idea is to refer to the ancient Greek letter koppa, a reasonable sign for something dead and only living on in peoples' minds. There is no star q Cancri (or similar) according to Wikipedia ...

... Old Man (Perseus) The Old Man rises in the final month of the year and is appropriately associated with Enmesharra - an ancestral god who resides in the underworld in the form of a ghost ...

Perhaps I should have located the Ghost station at Gb7-4 (185), where my earlier idea of a 'leap day' now has aquired a new meaning - viz. as a Spirit Leaping place, Reiga.

Antares at the time of rongorongo:
Rising in the east at sunset  June 1 (152) 0 0
15 days from winter solstice July 6 (187) 35 35
Culmination at midnight July 11 (192) 5 40
'Leap day'

July 12 (193)

1 41
Heliacal rising November 25 (329) 136 177
Nakshatra day May 28 (148) 184 361

... Men's spirits were thought to dwell in the Milky Way between incarnations. This conception has been handed down as an Orphic and Pythagorean tradition fitting into the frame of the migration of the soul. Macrobius, who has provided the broadest report on the matter, has it that souls ascend by way of Capricorn, and then, in order to be reborn, descend again through the 'Gate of Cancer'. Macrobius talks of signs; the constellations rising at the solstices in his time (and still in ours) were Gemini and Sagittarius: the 'Gate of Cancer' means Gemini. In fact, he states explicitly (I,12.5) that this 'Gate' is 'where the Zodiac and the Milky Way intersect'. Far away, the Mangaians of old (Austral Islands, Polynesia), who kept the precessional clock running instead of switching over to 'signs', claim that only at the evening of the solstitial days can spirits enter heaven, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the island at one solstice, the dwellers in the south at the other ...