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Below I have continued my documentation of the Libra stars. But since I can perceive the origin of a new beginning not at Cb2-1 but already 4 days earlier, where the Sun rose with Algenib Persei and Gienah culminated at midnight, I have repeated from there - where Metoro said hoea (tattooing instrument) - to be compared with his ki te hoea (to the tattoing instrument) at Ca1-2:


Ki. To, towards (a place, a person); after (time); for, in order to...  Vanaga.

. To say, to speak; word, language; will, wish (verbally expressed): e-hakarogo koe ki te kî o toou matu'a, obey you father's will. Vanaga.

1. In, toward, to, for, at; ki ra, there; ki ra hoki, exactly there; ki aho, outside; ki roto, within, into, inside, among. 2. In order that. 3. To say, to speak, to chat, to pronounce, to respond; argument, conversation, description, doctrine, expression, word, relation; ki veveveve, voluble; ki vaiapuga, nonsense, to speak much and say nothing; ki ihoiho, to speak forcefully. Churchill.

σ Andromedae (3.0), ι Ceti (3.3), ζ Tucanae (3.5), ρ Andromedae, π Tucanae (3.7) no star listed (4) ANKAA = α Phoenicis, κ Phoenicis (5.0)

ALPHARD (α Hydrae)

389 ALRISHA = α Piscium, χ Phoenicis (29.2), ALAMAK = γ Andromedae (29.7) 20
March 21 22 (81) 23 April 16 (106)
no glyph
Ca1-1 Ca1-2 *Ca14-29 (392)
koia ki te hoea te rima
September 20 21 EQUINOX (265) October 16 (289)
CHANG SHA (Long Sand-bank) = ζ Corvi (186.3) INTROMETIDA = ε Crucis (187.4), ACRUX = α Crucis (187.5) γ Com. Berenicis (188.0), σ Centauri (188.1), ALGORAB = δ Corvi (188.5), GACRUX = γ Crucis (188.7) AGENA = β Centauri (212.1), θ Apodis (212.5), THUBAN = α Draconis (212.8)
ALGENIB PERSEI = α Persei (50.0), ο Tauri (50.2), ξ Tauri (50.8)

GIENAH (γ Corvi)

σ Persei (51.6) no star listed (52) ψ Persei (53.1)


May 7 (127) 8 9 10 (*53 - 3 + 80 = 130)
Cb1-21 (413) Cb1-22 Cb1-23 Cb1-24
hoea ko te rima kua oo ki te vai ma te ua
November 6 7 8 9 (*236 - 3 + 80 = 313)
ALKALUROPS = μ Bootis (233.1), ED ASICH = ι Draconis (233.2) NUSAKAN = β Cor. Bor. (234.0), κ¹ Apodis (234.3), ν Bootis (234.7), ζ Librae (234.9) θ Cor. Borealis (235.3), γ Lupi (235.6), GEMMA = α Cor. Bor., ZUBEN ELAKRAB = γ Librae, QIN = δ Serpentis, ε Tr. Austr. (235.7), μ Cor. Borealis (235.8), υ Librae (235.9)

SIRRAH (α Andromedae)

φ Bootis (236.2), ω Lupi, τ Librae (236.3), ψ¹ Lupi (236.7), ζ Cor. Borealis (236.9)

I think Metoro's tattooing instrument (hoea) meant the point (tara) in the year where the winter sky reached its final corner:


1. Thorn: tara miro. 2. Spur: tara moa. 3. Corner; te tara o te hare, corner of house; tara o te ahu, corner of ahu. Vanaga.

(1. Dollar; moni tara, id.) 2. Thorn, spike, horn; taratara, prickly, rough, full of rocks. P Pau.: taratara, a ray, a beam; tare, a spine, a thorn. Mgv.: tara, spine, thorn, horn, crest, fishbone. Mq.: taá, spine, needle, thorn, sharp point, dart, harpoon; taa, the corner of a house, angle. Ta.: tara, spine, horn, spur, the corner of a house, angle. Sa.: tala, the round end of a house. Ma.: tara, the side wall of a house. 3. To announce, to proclaim, to promulgate, to call, to slander; tatara, to make a genealogy. P Pau.: fakatara, to enjoin. Mq.: taá, to cry, to call. 4. Mgv.: tara, a species of banana. Mq.: taa, a plant, a bird. Ma.: tara, a bird. 5. Ta.: tara, enchantment. Ma.: tara, an incantation. 6. Ta.: tara, to untie. Sa.: tala, id. Ha.: kala, id. Churchill

.. In the morning of the world, there was nothing but water. The Loon was calling, and the old man who at that time bore the Raven's name, Nangkilstlas, asked her why. 'The gods are homeless', the Loon replied. 'I'll see to it', said the old man, without moving from the fire in his house on the floor of the sea. Then as the old man continued to lie by his fire, the Raven flew over the sea. The clouds broke. He flew upward, drove his beak into the sky and scrambled over the rim to the upper world. There he discovered a town, and in one of the houses a woman had just given birth ...

From Ca1-2 to Cb1-21 there are 413 (= 14 * 29½) - 2 = 411 = 3 * 137 glyphs. Possibly it could be a kind of allusion to Acrab (β Scorpii), which ought to have been at the Full Moon in May 17 (137):

δ Persei (54.7) Al Thurayya-27 / Krittikā-3 / Hairy Head-18
TAU-ONO (Six Stones)

ATIKS = ο Persei, RANA = δ Eridani (55.1), CELAENO (16 Tauri), ELECTRA (17), TAYGETA (19), ν Persei (55.3), MAIA (20), ASTEROPE (21), MEROPE (23) (55.6)

Temennu-3 (Foundation Stone)

ALCYONE (56.1), PLEIONE (28 Tauri), ATLAS (27) (56.3)

May 11 12 13 (133 = *56 - 3 + 80)
Cb2-1 Cb2-2 (418) Cb2-3 (27)
Eaha te honu kua tupu i to maitaki - o te hau tea te hono huki - maro
November 10 (π) 11 12 (316 = *239 - 3 + 80)

κ Librae (237.2), ι Serpentis (237.4), ψ² Lupi, ρ Oct. (237.5), γ Cor. Borealis, η Librae (237.7),  COR SERPENTIS = α Serpentis (237.9)

π Cor. Borealis, UNUK ELHAIA = λ Serpentis (238.1), CHOW = β Serpentis (238.6) κ Serpentis (239.3), δ Cor. Borealis, TIĀNRŪ = μ Serpentis (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), BA = ε Serpentis, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9)
MENKHIB = ζ Persei (57.6)

PORRIMA (γ Virginis)

ZAURAK = γ Eridani (58.9) λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9) 4h (60.9)

JĪSHUĬ = λ Persei (60.7)

COR CAROLI (α Canum Ven.)

May 14 15 16 (136 = *59 - 3 + 80) 17
Cb2-4 (420) Cb2-5 Cb2-6 (30) Cb2-7
te ua koia ra kua tuku ki to mata - ki tona tukuga e kiore - henua - pa rei
November 13 14 15 16 (320 = *243 - 3 + 80)
λ Librae (240.0), β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8) Iklīl al Jabhah-15 / Anuradha-17 / Room-4

ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Bor.(241.1), ZHENG = γ Serpentis, θ Librae (241.2), VRISCHIKA = π Scorpii (241.3), ε Cor. Borealis (241.5),  DSCHUBBA = δ Scorpii (241.7), η Lupi (241.9)

υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4), ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), θ Draconis (242.6), ξ Scorpii (242.7)

SCHEDIR (α Cassiopeiae)

16h (243.5)

ACRAB = β Scorpii, JABHAT AL ACRAB = ω Scorpii (243.3), θ Lupi, RUTILICUS = β Herculis (243.5), MARFIK = κ Herculis (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8)

Clearly Cb2-6 could have been intended to illustrate a kind of break in the flow of time. The star chart shows there might have been a division betwen θ Librae and Acrab (close to the ecliptic path of the Sun).

But at the time of the Gregorian calendar the date was not May 16 but 4 precessional days earlier, i.e. ºMay 12 - where we can count 512 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2. Two nine times itself ought to indicate a final (together with a new beginning).

Furthermore, in May 12 - and according to the structure aligned with the stars in the Julian calendar - the Sun ought to have risen with Tau-ono at the final of the previous cycle of the year. Which could have motivated the division we can read in Cb2-6. But a proper reading should connect Tau-ono with Cb2-2 and not with Cb2-6.

ºMay 16 (136) - the corresponding date at the time of Gregory XIII - ought to have been at Cb2-10:

υ Persei (61.2) BEID = ο¹ Eridani (62.2), μ Persei (62.8)

VINDEMIATRIX ( ε Virginis)

Al Dabarān-2

HYADUM I = γ Tauri (63.4)

May 18 19 20 (140 = *63 - 3 + 80)
ºMay 14 15 16 (136)
Cb2-8 (424) Cb2-9 Cb2-10
Niu moe te goe
November 17 18 (322 = *245 - 3 + 80) 19
ºNovember 13 14 15 (*242)
ψ Scorpii (244.6), LESATH = ν Scorpii (244.8) χ Scorpii (245.1), YED PRIOR = δ Ophiuchi, δ Tr. Austr. (245.5) YED POSTERIOR = ε Ophiuchi, RUKBALGETHI SHEMALI = τ Herculis (246.6). δ Apodis (246.7), ο Scorpii (246.8)
HYADUM II = δ¹ Tauri (64.2) Net-19

AIN (Eye) = ε Tauri, θ¹ Tauri, θ² Tauri (65.7)

no star listed (66)
May 21 22 (142 = *65 - 3 + 80) 23
ºMay 17 (137) 18 19 (*59 = *66 - 4 - 3)
Cb2-11 Cb2-12 (428) Cb2-13
ka moe i roto te henua ihe manu ra
November 20 (324 = *247 - 3 + 80) 21 (325) 22
ºNovember 16 17 18 (*242 = *249 - 4 - 3)

σ Scorpii (247.0), HEJIAN = γ Herculis (247.2), ψ Ophiuchi (247.7)

ρ Ophiuchi (248.1), KAJAM = ω Herculis (248.3), χ Ophiuchi (248.5), SHE LOW (Market Tower) = υ Ophiuchi, Tr. Austr. (248.7), ζ Tr. Austr. (248.8) Al Kalb-16 / Jyeshtha-18 / ANA-MUA-1 (Entrance pillar)

ANTARES = α Scorpii (249.1), MARFIK = λ Ophiuchi, φ Ophiuchi (249.5),  ω Ophiuchi (249.8)

Although nakshatra Antares was only 3 glyphs later than Cb2-10 the words of Metoro seem to indicate the primary meaning of the glyph could have been the Milky Way:


Milky Way. Vanaga.


If this is correct, then Metoro probably here read nakshatra wise, because at 16h was the single curved mago tail of the Scorpion inside the Milky Way, whereas at the opposite side of the sky there was a pair of points on the vaha mea horns of Aldebaran at 4h in touch with the Milky Way.

Perseus lies across the Milky Way where the river of the migrating souls was very narrow.

... Men's spirits were thought to dwell in the Milky Way between incarnations. This conception has been handed down as an Orphic and Pythagorean tradition fitting into the frame of the migration of the soul. Macrobius, who has provided the broadest report on the matter, has it that souls ascend by way of Capricorn, and then, in order to be reborn, descend again through the 'Gate of Cancer'. Macrobius talks of signs; the constellations rising at the solstices in his time (and still in ours) were Gemini and Sagittarius: the 'Gate of Cancer' means Gemini. In fact, he states explicitly (I,12.5) that this 'Gate' is 'where the Zodiac and the Milky Way intersect'.  

Far away, the Mangaians of old (Austral Islands, Polynesia), who kept the precessional clock running instead of switching over to 'signs', claim that only at the evening of the solstitial days can spirits enter heaven, the inhabitants of the northern parts of the island at one solstice, the dwellers in the south at the other ...