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Somehow this ought to have something to do with the fact that Julius Caesar added 2 months to the old calendar. By adding the pair of new months which became July and August the earlier sequence of September, October, November, and December - literally the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months according to the earlier system - had to be pushed ahead (or something similar).

January February March April May June September October November December - -
January February March April May June July August September October November December

... *NOVEMBER 14 (318) + 120 days (= 180 - 60) = 438 = 365 + 73 (*MARCH 14, 3-14, π). This was where Gregory XIII had his ºMay 16 ...

The earlier system could have had its November where we nowadays have September - the northern autumn equinox month. And at the other side of the year - in reference to September (respectively to November in the earlier system) - would then have been the northern spring equinox (respectively the southern autumn equinox).

However, In my mapping system I have used right ascensions days defined by the Gregorian calendar - adjusted by precession days -  and accordingly heliacal Atlas and Alcyone would have been in May 16 (136) at glyph number 464 - but also 107 (= 472 - 365) glyphs earlier, at Gb5-4:

*MARCH 4 5 (64) 6 (*350) 7 8 9 10
MARCH 7 8 9 10 (*354) 11 (70) 12 (436) 13
(229 + 229) Gb8-18 (230) Gb8-19 Gb8-20 Gb8-21 Gb8-22 Gb8-23 (464)
Gb4-31 Gb4-32 (123) Gb4-33 Gb5-1 (354) Gb5-2 Gb5-3 Gb5-4
ALGENIB PERSEI = α Persei (50.0), ο Tauri (50.2), ξ Tauri (50.8)

GIENAH (γ Corvi)

σ Persei (51.6) no star listed (52) ψ Persei (53.1)


δ Persei (54.7) Al Thurayya-27 / Krittikā-3 / Hairy Head-18
TAU-ONO (Six Stones) Temennu-3 (Foundation Stone)
ATIKS = ο Persei, RANA = δ Eridani (55.1), CELAENO (16 Tauri), ELECTRA (17), TAYGETA (19), ν Persei (55.3), MAIA (20), ASTEROPE (21), MEROPE (23) (55.6) ALCYONE (56.1), PLEIONE (28 Tauri), ATLAS (27) (56.3)
*May 7 8 (*48) 9 10 (130) 11 12 13
May 10 (*50) 11 12 13 14 15 (500) 16 (136)
°May 6 (*46) 7 8 9 10 (130) 11 12
'April 13 4-14 15 16 (471) 17 (107) 18 19 (*29)
"March 30 (454) 31 "April 1 2 (92) 3 4 (459) 5 (*15)
*SEPTEMBER 3 4 5 (248) 6 7 8 9 (*172)
SEPTEMBER 6 7 8 9 (*172) 10 11 (254) 12
ALKALUROPS = μ Bootis (233.1), ED ASICH = ι Draconis (233.2) NUSAKAN = β Cor. Bor. (234.0), κ¹ Apodis (234.3), ν Bootis (234.7) θ Cor. Borealis (235.3), γ Lupi (235.6), GEMMA = α Cor. Bor., ZUBEN ELAKRAB = γ Librae, QIN = δ Serpentis, ε Tr. Austr. (235.7), μ Cor. Borealis (235.8)

SIRRAH (α Andromedae)

φ Bootis (236.2), ω Lupi (236.3), ψ¹ Lupi (236.7), ζ Cor. Borealis (236.9)  ι Serpentis (237.4), ψ² Lupi, ρ Oct. (237.5), γ Cor. Borealis (237.7),  COR SERPENTIS = α Serpentis (237.9) π Cor. Borealis, UNUK ELHAIA = λ Serpentis (238.1), CHOW = β Serpentis (238.6) κ Serpentis (239.3), δ Cor. Borealis, TIĀNRŪ = μ Serpentis (239.5), χ Lupi, (239.6), ω Serpentis (239.7), BA = ε Serpentis, χ Herculis (239.8). κ Cor. Borealis, ρ Serpentis (239.9)
*November 6 7 8 9 10 (314) 11 12 (*236)
November 9 10 (314) 11 12 (*236) 13 14 15
°November 5 (*329) 6 (310) 7 8 9 10 11
'October 13 14 15 (288) 16 17 (*210) 18 19
"September 29 30 (*193) "October 1 2 (275) 3 4 5
Ga6-29 (169) Ga7-1 Ga7-2 Ga7-3 (172) Ga7-4 Ga7-5 Ga7-6
*MARCH 11 12 13 3-14 (73) 15 16 (*360) 17
3-14 (73) MARCH 15 16 (440) 17 18 19 20 (*364)
Gb8-24 (465) Gb8-25 Gb8-26 Gb8-27 Gb8-28 Gb8-29 Gb8-30 (242)
Gb5-5 Gb5-6 (130) Gb5-7 (360) Gb5-8 Gb5-9 Gb5-10 Gb5-11 (364)
MENKHIB = ζ Persei (57.6)

PORRIMA (γ Virginis)

ZAURAK = γ Eridani (58.9) λ Tauri (59.3), ν Tauri (59.9) 4h (60.9) υ Persei (61.2) BEID = ο¹ Eridani (62.2), μ Persei (62.8)

VINDEMIATRIX ( ε Virginis)

Al Dabarān-2
JĪSHUĬ = λ Persei (60.7)

COR CAROLI (α Canum Ven.)

HYADUM I = γ Tauri (63.4)
*May 14 15 16 (136) 17 18 19 20 (*60)
May 17 (137) 18 (*58) 19 (*424) 20 21 22 23 (*428)
°May 13 14 (*54) 15 (*420) 16 (136) 17 18 (*58) 19 (*424)
'April 20 21 (111) 22 23 24 25 (*400) 26 (*36)
"April 6 7 8 9 (464) 10 (100) 11 12 (*22)
*SEPTEMBER 10 11 (254) 12 13 14 (*177) 15 16
SEPTEMBER 13 14 (*177) 15 16 17 (260) 18 19
β Tr. Austr. (240.3), κ Tr. Austr. (240.4), ρ Scorpii (240.8) Iklīl al Jabhah-15 / Anuradha-17 / Room-4 υ Herculis (242.3), ρ Cor. Borealis (242.4), ι Cor. Borealis (242.5), θ Draconis (242.6), ξ Scorpii (242.7)

SCHEDIR (α Cassiopeiae)

16h (243.5) ψ Scorpii (244.6), LESATH = ν Scorpii (244.8) χ Scorpii (245.1), YED PRIOR = δ Ophiuchi, δ Tr. Austr. (245.5) YED POSTERIOR = ε Ophiuchi, RUKBALGETHI SHEMALI = τ Herculis (246.6). δ Apodis (246.7), ο Scorpii (246.8)
ξ Lupi, λ Cor. Bor.(241.1), Zheng (241.2), VRISCHIKA = π Scorpii (241.3), ε Cor. Borealis (241.5),  DSCHUBBA = δ Scorpii (241.7), η Lupi (241.9) ACRAB = β Scorpii, JABHAT AL ACRAB = ω Scorpii (243.3), θ Lupi, RUTILICUS = β Herculis (243.5), MARFIK = κ Herculis (243.7), φ Herculis (243.8)
*November 13 14 15 16 (*240) 17 18 (322) 19
November 16 17 18 (*242) 19 20 21 (325) 22
°Nov 12 (*236) 13 14 15 16 (*240) 17 (321) 18
'October 20 21 (*214) 22 (295) 23 24 25 26 (299)
"October 6 7 (*200) 8 9 10 11 12 (285)
Ga7-7 Ga7-8 (177) Ga7-9 Ga7-10 Ga7-11 (180) Ga7-12 Ga7-13

In the wealth of signs offered by the creator of the text we can pick out one item, because it should remind us of the pair of 6 flame Suns in C:

83 179

Altair (*300)

*Ca14-21 (384)

Adhil (*384)

Cb8-1 (564)

Adhil (*384)

*NOVEMBER 9 84 180
Cb8-2 (173) Cb14-17 (738) Cb14-18 Cb14-19 (348)

In G the place corresponding to Cb8-2 ought to be at Gb4-1, i.e. at April 10 (100), with Spica close to the Full Moon. Helical Adhil (*384) + 1 - 183 = *202 (nakshatra Spica):

*MAY 13 (*53) 83 *AUGUST 5 (*137) 6 178 *FEBRUARY 1 (32)
MAY 16 (136) AUGUST 8 (220) 9 FEBRUARY 4 (*320)
Ga2-26 (56, 299) Ga5-30 (140, 383) Ga6-1 Gb3-30 (91, 320)
*July 16 (197) *October 8 (281) 9 *April 6 (96)
July 19 (200) October 11 (284) 12 April 9 (464)
°July 15 (196) °October 7 (280) 8 ºApril 5 (460)
'June 22 (173) 'September 14 (*177) 15 'March 13 (72)
"June 8 (159) "August 31 (*163) "September 1 "March 27 (58)
*ALTAIR (*300) *ADHIL (*384) *POLARIS (*385) *320 (FEBRUARY 4) + 64 = *384 (ADHIL)
*NOVEMBER 12 (316) *FEBRUARY 4 (400) 5 (36)
τ Aquilae (*303) υ Andromedae (*387) Achernar (*388)
NOVEMBER 15 (319) FEBRUARY 7 (403) 8 (*324 = *388 - 64)
ZERO 264 = 84 + 180 (= 84 + 4 * 29 + 64)
*FEBRUARY 2 3 (399) 4 (*320) 5 (36)
FEBRUARY 5 (36) 6 (*322) 7 (403) 8
Gb4-1 Gb4-2 (93) Gb4-3 Gb4-4 (324)
KSORA = δ Cassiopeiae (20.1), ω Andromedae (20.6), γ Phoenicis (20.8) δ Phoenicis (21.5) υ Andromedae (22.9) ACHERNAR = α Eridani (23.3), χ Andromedae (23.6), τ Andromedae (23.9)
*April 7 8 9 10 (100)
April 10 (100) 11 (466) 12 (*22) 4-13
°April 6 (96) 7 8 (*18) 9
3-14 (73) 'March 15 16 (*360) 17 (441)
"February 28 "March 1 (60) 2 3 (427)
*AUGUST 3 4 (*136) 5 6 (218)
AUGUST 6 7 8 (*140) 9 (221)
Al Simāk-12 / Chitra-14 / Horn-1 / Sa-Sha-Shirū-20 (Virgin's Girdle) / ANA-ROTO-3 (Middle pillar) 71 VIRGINIS (203.6) no star listed (204) HEZE = ζ Virginis (205.0), Southern Pinwheel Galaxy = M83 Hydrae (205.7)
MIZAR = ζ Ursae Majoris (202.4), SPICA = α Virginis, ALCOR = 80 Ursae Majoris (202.7)

SADALMELIK (α Aquarii)

*October 6 7 (*200) 8 9 (282)
October 9 10 11 (*204) 12 (285)
°October 5 6 7 (*200) 8 (281)
'September 12 (255) 13 14 (*177) 15
"August 29 30 (242) 31 "September 1 (*164)
Ga5-28 Ga5-29 Ga5-30 (140) Ga6-1
83 179

Altair (*300)

*Ca14-21 (384)

Adhil (*384)

Cb8-1 (564)

Adhil (*384)

*NOVEMBER 9 84 180
Cb8-2 (173)

Spica (*202)

Cb14-17 (738) Cb14-18 Cb14-19 (348)

In C this pair of Suns could evidently have been used in order to separate one half of the year from the next. But in G a pair of Sun fists were in a single glyph and 360 days from the beginning of side a. The horizontal arrangement could refer to the orientation of Mother Earth.

Not much earlier, however, were fiery fists oriented vertically where the Sun was:

*FEBRUARY 6 7 (403) 8 9 (40) 10
FEBRUARY 9 (40) 10 11 12 (408) 13 (*329)
Gb4-5 (325) Gb4-6 Gb4-7 Gb4-8 (99) Gb4-9
ALSEIPH = φ Persei (24.5), τ Ceti (24.7) no star listed (25) ANA-NIA-10 (Pillar-to-fish by) Al Sharatain-1 / Ashvini-1 / Bond-16 / Mahrū-sha-rishu-ku-1 (Front of the Head of Ku) ι Arietis (28.0), λ Arietis (28.2), υ Ceti (28.8)
 χ Ceti (26.1), POLARIS = α Ursae Minoris, BATEN KAITOS = ζ Ceti (26.6), METALLAH = α Trianguli (26.9)   SEGIN = ε Cassiopeia, MESARTHIM = γ Arietis, ψ Phoenicis (27.2), SHERATAN = β Arietis, φ Phoenicis (27.4)
*April 11 12 13 4-14 (*24) 15 (470)
4-14 (*24) 15 (470) 16 April 17 (107) 18 (473)
°April 10 (100) 11 (466) 12 13 14 (104)
'March 18 19 (78) 20 (*364) (0h) 22
"March 4 5 (64) 6 (*350) 7 8


Counting: 360 (Gb5-7) - 326 (Gb4-6) = 34 = 399 (synodic cycle of Jupiter) - 365. Zeus as Jupiter could have been born 34 days earlier than at the end of the year in order to reach his final day 399 at the end of the next year.