2. ξ is rather high in the constellation and close to the back of Canis Major:

Hevelius has a complicated Argo Navis construction with a head emerging on the other side of the Milky Way and looking in the opposite direction compared to the head of Canis Major. There seems to be a point of reversal between Aludra (η Canis Majoris, at the tip of the tail) and κ Puppis (slightly earlier and below Azmidiske).

We should add κ Puppis (Markab - the same name as that used for α Pegasi) to our list:

Azmidiske 07h 49m 17.66 07h 49.294m 118.4
κ 07h 38m 49.88s 07h 38.831m 115.7


β Canis Minoris 2.89 08° 23′ N 07h 24m 112.6 520.6


ρ Gemini 4.16 31° 47′ N 07h 26m 113.1 521.1


α Gemini 1.58 32° 00′ N 07h 31m 114.4 522.4


κ Puppis 4.50 26° 48′ S 07h 36m 115.7 523.7


α Canis Minoris 0.34 05° 21′ N 07h 37m 115.9 523.9


σ Gemini


28° 53′ N

07h 40m




β Gemini 1.16 28° 09′ N 07h 42m 117.2 525.2


ξ Puppis 3.34 04° 44′ S 07h 47m 118.4 526.4
Ga2-18 (*113) Ga2-19 Ga2-20 Ga2-21 Ga2-22 Ga2-23
Gomeisa (112.6), ρ Gemini   Castor (114.4) Markab (115.7), Procyon (115.9) σ Gemini, Pollux (117.2)  Azmidiske (118.4)

Allen has the following remark as to Markab in the Pegasus Square:

"Markab - Flamsteed's Marchab - is the Arabs' word for a Saddle, Ship, or Vehicle, - anything ridden upon, - that was early applied to this star ..."