3. The fishes which emerge from Alrisha can be compared to the Sun beetle and Hathor - one of them is rising and the other is remaining below:
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In both cases the rising one could be Sun and the horizontal one Moon. But the fishes are down in the water and the shape generated by the bands (<) indicates more water to the right, not more air.
Time runs withershins, with lower right ascension values to the right. The 'sun' fish (it could be waxing Moon) is upside down but the moon fish is alright. She has 8 spines in her dorsal fin, which together with the 12 in the 'sun' fish gives a total of 20.
We can deduce a kind of symmetry, with an equilibrium between Pisces and Taurus:
The horns of the Ewe are curved to indicate the behaviour of flowing water, in the direction of Pisces. Below the Pegasus Square the horizontal moon fish is delineated by 5 stars in contrast to the 3 stars of the rising 'sun' fish. 5 + 3 = 8, a number associated with Moon. Adding the 4 stars of the square it becomes 12. Moving with Moon (withershins) the pair of fishes are separating, one swimming north of and the other swimming south of the square 'land'. The 'hulls of the double-canoe' (cfr at 2 Sticks) are unleashed from each other at Alrisha. The canoe of Hotu Matua did not go withershins, it went first to the east, then north and finally to the west and to Anakena. But the Moon Queen went withershins and her way to Anakena was shorter, which explains why her canoe had to be stopped. This part of the events was not in Pisces, it was later in the year. The signs indicate we should move from higher to lower right ascension from Alrisha, in the direction given by Musca. Not until the Pleiades and Taurus will time run the right way, separating sky from earth with air in between. When the explorers had reached Easter Island and drawn up their canoe on land at Hanga Te Pau they went uphill (cfr at Time Travel):
Maybe the explanation for the 'time travel' from Hanga Te Pau to Rano Kau is that 0h lies in the area where time runs withershins and 'up the hill' to the solstice. Time does not really start with the 6 stones of the Pleiades, it is beginning earlier. |