2. The 5th hour evidently ends with tagata gagana in Ga1-11, and its day number is 5 / 24 * 365.25 + 408 = 484 (or 100½ more than 13 * 29½):
5th hour |
Gb8-26 (468) |
Gb8-27 |
Gb8-28 |
Gb8-29 |
Gb8-30 (472) |
Zaurak (467.9) |
Beid (471.2) |
Hyadum I (472.4) |
Gb8-30 |
Ga1-1 |
Ga1-2 (475) |
Ga1-3 |
Ga1-4 (5) |
Hyadum II (473.2) |
Ain (474.7) |
Aldebaran (477.2) |
Ga1-5 |
Ga1-6 |
Theemin (477.5) |
Ga1-7 |
Ga1-8 |
Ga1-9 |
Ga1-10 |
Ga1-11 (12) |
Zaurak |
γ Eridani |
2.97 |
13º 39' S |
03h 56m |
59.9 |
467.9 |
467 |
Beid |
ο¹ Eridani |
4.04 |
06° 58′ S |
04h 09m |
63.2 |
471.2 |
470¼ |
Hyadum I |
γ Tauri |
3.65 |
15° 31′ N |
04h 14m |
64.4 |
472.4 |
471½ |
Hyadum II |
δ¹ Tauri |
3.77 |
17° 26′ N |
04h 17m |
65.2 |
473.2 |
472¼ |
θ² Tauri |
3.40 |
15° 45′ N |
04h 23m |
66.7 |
474.7 |
473¾ |
Ain |
ε Tauri |
3.53 |
19º 04' N |
04h 23m |
θ¹ Tauri |
3.84 |
15° 51′ N |
04h 23m |
Aldebaran |
α Tauri |
0.87 |
16° 25′ N |
04h 33m |
69.2 |
477.2 |
476¼ |
Theemin |
ν² Eridani |
3.81 |
30° 40′ S |
04h 34m |
65.5 |
477.5 |
476½ |
The head of tagata gagana could refer to Venus (cfr at Botein). From the Head of the Fly (35 Arietis at Gb8-7) to Ga1-11 there are 35 days (and 35 happens to be the measure for a fully grown man):
Gb8-6 (448) |
Gb8-7 |
Gb8-8 |
Gb8-9 |
27 |
Gb8-10 (452) |
Ga1-7 |
Ga1-8 |
Ga1-9 |
Ga1-10 |
Ga1-11 (484) |
The head of tagata gagana in Ga1-11is tilted upwards, a sign which could indicate there is a reversal somewhere beyond the oppositely tilted 'head' (= wings of the Fly) in Gb8-7.
If we count 17 days beyond Gb8-7 the midpoint should be found. 449 + 17 = 466 is in the Pleiades and the central point will be the day of Saturn at Menkhib:
13 |
Gb8-7 |
Gb8-8 (450) |
Gb8-22 |
Gb8-23 |
Gb8-24 (466) |
Kaffaljidhma (448.8), Head of the Fly (448.6) |
Right Wing (449.9), Bharani (450.4) |
Atiks (464.1), Rana (464.1) |
The Pleiades |
14 |
Gb8-25 |
Gb8-26 (468) |
Gb8-27 |
Ga1-11 |
Menkhib (466.6) |
Zaurak (467.9) |
18 |