3. The creator of the G text seems to have placed the Pleiades 100 glyphs beyond the end of the solar year (365¼) and 12 glyphs beyond the head of Medusa:
The boat of the Sun King (Zaurak) is launched 2 weeks after Algol. The birth of a new year should coincide with the arrival of the Pleiades. Just before is the 'Frog' (Rana), still inside the old year. The break between line b7 and line b8 evidently coincides with the arrival of Mira (the 'wonderful star', ο Ceti at the neck of the 'Sea Monster') and also with day number 15 * 29½ = 442½. The oscillating light from Mira illustrates how life of necessity is connected with death. Maybe the first king in the list of Manuscript E, king Oto Uta, personifies Mira, because the neck of his stone image was broken: ... Pure O picked up a large round stone (pureva) and hit the top of the figure. Because of the stone, the neck of Oto Uta was broken.Then the wind started blowing, the billow rose, the waves broke, the rain started falling, the flame (i.e., lightning) shone brightly, and the thunder rolled ... Line b7 has Misam al Thurayya (NGC884 and NGC869) at its end. The pair of nebulosities indicate the demise of the old ruler: "demise ... transfer of an estate ... transfer of sovereignity ... death (as occasioning this) ... OF. de(s)mettre (mod. démettre) DISMISS, (refl.) resign, abdicate." (English Etymology) Close to the end of the 3rd hour (= 3 / 24 * 365.25 + 408 = 453.7) we encounter the Fly (Musca) who has Bharani (ruled by Venus) at her left wing. This 'manu rere' is female and thus not the living spirit of king Oto Uta - she is moving withershins and originating from the head of Medusa (Algol). If we measure by Sun a month should be 30 days long and this is ½ day more than the lunar measure. Therefore the calendar should have Sun earlier than Moon - he will eventually reach her after a period which depends on how far apart they are at the beginning. 414 - 409 = 5 days:
From Rogo in Gb6-26 to the central glyph among the 5 at the beginning of line b8, there are 445 - 409 = 36 days. From tamaiti in Gb7-3 to Bharani there are 450 - 414 = 36 days. Neither Sun nor Moon seems to have moved so far. Acamar (θ Eridani) is our last star in the 3rd hour and once it was the beginning of the River. Not far later there are 'youngsters': "Between it and Fomalhaut lie many small stars, not mentioned by Ptolemy, that Hyde said were Al Zibāl; but Al Sufi had already called them Al Ri'āl, the Little Ostriches." (Allen) Therefore Zibal and Gb8-15 could correspond to Nga Kope Ririva Tutuu Vai a Te Taanga (because nga kope means 'the young ones').