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7. According to our model we should find some recognizable sign also in the text of H if we count from Ha1-1 and 400 glyphs forward:

Ha8-1 Ha8-2 Ha8-3 Ha8-4 Ha8-5 (*400) Ha8-6 Ha8-7

Here I have with an asterisk at 400 indicated that it is an estimated number. The burnt area on the H tablet has partially damaged all glyph lines beyond line 5 on side a. In line Ha6 there are 5 'missing glyphs' (though they probably never were there) and likewise there are 3 'missing glyphs' in line Ha7. Ordinal number 400 thus includes 5 + 3 = 8 'missing glyphs'.

Evidently the 'missing glyphs' should be counted, and manu kake in Ha8-5 'proves' it. This glyph type is meant to stand on the threshold to a new season, as we have seen from an example in G:

104 = 4 * 26 258
Ga4-21 (105) Gb5-10 (364)
260 = 10 * 26
364 = 14 * 26

What length should we count with for the new season inaugurated by manu kake in Ha8-5 (where 8 * 5 = 40 suggests 40 tens of days)? Possibly 310 days because that will in G transport us to the beginning of the rainy season.

399 = 19 * 21, which if these numbers were ordinal numbers of glyphs in a line would be translated into Sun and Mars. Number 399 therefore summarizes, so to say, the 3 ages of Sun (as a baby, as a powerful youth, and as an old calabash).