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4. The 5 missing double rings on the Pachamama skirt, equal in number to 364 / 2 - 177, maybe never were there, if we will judge from how the creator of the H text used the physical limits of his tablet to his advantage:

... ... ...
Ha6-16 Ha6-17 Ha6-18 Ha6-19 *Ha6-20 (295) *Ha6-21 *Ha6-22
... ...
*Ha6-23 *Ha6-24 *Ha6-25 *Ha6-26 *Ha6-27 *Ha6-28 *Ha6-29

From Ha6-16 only the top of the glyphs are visible, then they disappear totally to return with only the bottom visible. This could be a sign to show how the sky half of the year ends and the bottom half will follow after a 5-day break.

Hakaua in *Ha6-26 says rain is coming. The preceding tagata is glyph number 300 counted from Ha1-1 given that we include also the missing 5 glyphs in our counting. Furthermore, 62 * 5 (in *Ha6-25) = 310 could indicate we should add 10 more days.

If we use this as a cue and move to the text of G, we will indeed find support for adding another 10 days, because the following 8 + 8 glyphs certainly constitute a unit:

Gb6-17 (400) Gb6-18 Gb6-19 Gb6-20
Gb6-21 Gb6-22 Gb6-23 Gb6-24
Gb6-25 Gb6-26 (409) Gb6-27 Gb6-28
Gb7-1 Gb7-2 Gb7-3 (414) Gb7-4

Although a new glyph line comes with Gb7-1 the last glyph in the preceding line (Mars in Gb6-28) should be followed by a Mercury glyph. The change from line Gb6 to line Gb7 thus proceeds with as little disturbance as possible.

By adding 10 more days to 300 - which is the result if we count from Rogo in Gb6-26 - glyph number 399 must be from where to begin the counting:

Gb6-5 Gb6-6 Gb6-7 Gb6-8 Gb6-9 Gb6-10
Gb6-11 Gb6-12 Gb6-13 Gb6-14 Gb6-15 Gb6-16 (399)

In other words, we have at least 3 different alterantives to count to the central event of the year, when rain will come:

58 230 5
Gb7-3 (414) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
59 6
295 nights
63 230 5
Gb6-26 (409) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
64 6
300 nights
73 230 5
Gb6-16 (399) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
74 6
310 nights