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8. The reason 277 could not be equal to 100 + 177 becomes evident if we look towards the end of the 'calendar of daytime', because it has been designed to end with day number 295 (= 10 * 29.5):

... ... ...
Ha6-16 Ha6-17 Ha6-18 Ha6-19 *Ha6-20 (295) *Ha6-21 *Ha6-22
... ...
*Ha6-23 *Ha6-24 *Ha6-25 *Ha6-26 *Ha6-27 *Ha6-28 *Ha6-29
The front side of the year ends after 10 months, that we know from the description in G:
58 230 5
Gb7-3 (414) Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (237)
59 6
295 nights

The year is not primarily divided in 2 equally long halves, instead the front side and Sun is allotted 10 months while the back side and Moon will be only 6 months long.

And 6 * 29.5 = 177 will then suggest we should understand the skirt of Pachamama to illustrate the back side of the year. 94 + 83 = 177 symbols with double rings are not Sun symbols but Moon symbols. Sun counts as single, he has only one face, but Moon counts as double.

The skirt is below the 'equator' and it is therefore located in the 'cup' part of the year (È).

Day number 300 counted from Ha1-1 is a Saturday, and 6 * 25 = 150 could be a hint that the 'cap' of the year is turning into the 'cup' of the year - half of a cycle of 300 days will now be in the past:

*Ha6-25 (300) *Ha6-26 *Ha6-27 *Ha6-28 *Ha6-29

However, this is wrong on two points, first of all this is not the halfway point of 300 days, it is the end station of 300 days. Secondarily, we should not count the multiple of line number and ordinal number in the line. Instead we should here count 62 * 5 = 310.

The skirt of Pachamama has 5 extrapolated symbols, seemingly in order to reach 177 + 5 = 182 days for the length of the back side of the year. But perhaps these 5 missing days are rather to be understood as belonging on the front side. 364 - 177 = 187 is a number accommodating twice 5 extra days (= 364 - 354).

A sense of order would locate 5 of these 10 extra days at summer solstice and 5 at winter solstice. The tablet which the creator of the H text had in front of him was damaged by fire and he used the charred surface where *Ha6-20--24 could have been to arrange for 5 'extrapolated' not visible glyphs. The method is strikingly similar to how the creator of the Pachamama skirt used 5 non-visible symbols to show how time counted by Moon will not be enough to cover 182 days.