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6. Pachamama, the ancient stone statue in Bolivia, has a skirt with 'sun symbols':

Posnansky has here with his engineer's attention to every minute detail reproduced all the designs he could see and the result is overwhelming - there is tremendously much information to be read on the statue. The picture covers 360° and in the center Posnansky has the back side of the statue with half the front side at left and the other half at right.

The 'sun symbols' in the skirt can possibly be understood to represent the days of summer. Although Posnansky reconstructed their number as 182 I believe he was wrong. Only 94 + 83 = 177 are visible, and the extrapolated 5 are not necessary. The reason is that 177 = 6 * 29.5 or half a year as defined by synodic lunar months.

On the other hand, the 'sun symbols' can alternatively be read as double days, because each symbol has 2 rings. Maybe this is a better way to interpret the skirt. The whole year will then be covered and the number of days will be 188 + 166 = 354. And the non-visible 5 symbols can represent 10 extracalendrical days, resulting in a satisfying 354 + 10 = 364.

Below is a picture which Posnansky has drawn in order to demonstrate the number of days: