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3. The Polynesians had an important ceremony involving drinking kava.

On Easter Island they had not the kava root. Instead they used the word kava for ginger. And ginger roots are yellow, twisted and knobby:

Picture from Internet (Wikipedia). It is said that the root of Zingiber - from Tamil Ińci Officinale - traditionally was eaten by pregnant Chinese women to 'combat morning sickness'. In India they apply it to the temples as a paste to relieve headache.

The side of the head represents the border line between the front side and the back side (or vice versa which seems to be the case when we consider the kava ceremony). Temples are like ears signs of the borderline between light and darkness, they are like the horizon.

One of the effects of drinking kava is to enhance the sensitivity of the eyes - light appears to be growing. The twisted limb at left in Aa8-30 could represent the 'root' from which light emerges:
