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12. In the parallel P text we can observe an unusual glyph type in Pa6-46::

Pa6-41 Pa6-42 Pa6-43 Pa6-44
Ha7-13 Ha7-14 Ha7-15 *Ha7-16 (360)
Pa6-45 (360) Pa6-46 Pa6-47 Pa6-48 (363)
... ...
*Ha7-17 *Ha7-18 *Ha7-19 (363) *Ha7-20 (364)

64 * 6 = 384, the same as the ordinal number of atariki in *Ha7-40, and presumably alluding to 13 lunar synodic months. 7 * 40 = 280 could similarly allude to 10 months. In P the glyph line is a6, but in H it is line a7 which presumably is quite another matter.

The ordinal numbers of the glyphs in P is 1 day 'off step', so to say, with those in H, and if I should have got the numbers wrong anywhere it must be in H, because the P text is not damaged.

An easy  solution to this dilemma would be to say that there never was intended to be more than 2 'imaginary' glyphs in the area damaged by fire in line Ha7, and that the 'double-eye' glyph in Pa6-46 has no parallel in H:

Pa6-45 (360) Pa6-46 Pa6-47 Pa6-48 (363)
... -
*Ha7-17 *Ha7-18 *Ha7-19 (363)

However, this solution to the dilemma is not good, and indeed probably wrong, because pictures of glyph line show there is space enough for at least 3 glyphs in the sooty area.

The planets go in parallel all the way to manu kake. But if we would change 3 to 2 glyphs in the blackened area the manu kake glyph in H would be in a Sunday instead of in a Monday.