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9. When Waxing Moon reappears again, after having turned her back towards Sun, she is rising anew silvery brilliant like a fish drawn up from the sea.

Light and land and life are corresponding to each other, and the back side, the depths of the sea, and death are their opposites. This basic structure is repeated twice in a day in front of our eyes if we live at the margin of the sea, because with ebb land is rising and with flood it is inundated again.

Once upon a time ebb implied affluence, because all sorts of tasty snacks were then easy to pick up from the newly risen land. With high tide focus shifted to other matters:

The tides and Moon are joined by the force of gravitation, and the tides indicate time in a way similar to how Moon changes over the month. Waxing Moon is like ebb and Waning Moon like flood.