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6. Remarkably there is also another connection between Saturn and Jupiter:

"Saturn does give the measures: this is the essential point. How are we to reconcile it with Saturn the First King, the ruler of the Golden Age who is now asleep at the outer confines of the world? The conflict is only apparent, as will be seen. 

For now it is essential to recognize that, whether one has to do with the Mesopotamian Saturn, Enki / Ea, or with Ptah of Egypt, he is the 'Lord of Measures' - spell it 'me' in Sumerian, 'parshu' in Akkadian, 'maat' in Egyptian. And the same goes for His Majesty, the Yellow Emperor of China - yellow, because the element earth belongs to Saturn - 'Huang-ti established everywhere the order for the sun, the moon and the stars'. The melody remains the same. It might help to understand the general idea, but particularly the lucubrations of Proclus, to have a look at the figure drawn by Kepler, which represents the moving triangle fabricated by 'Great Conjunctions', that is those of Saturn and Jupiter.

 One of these points needs roughly 2.400 years to move through the whole zodiac." (Hamlet's Mill)

8, 20, and 24, these numbers can be explained in several different ways.