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2. Vaha kai in *Ha7-35 could be located at the beginning of the back side of the year, for instance because there are 12 glyph lines on side a and the 7th of them is the first line of the 2nd half:

*Ha7-34 *Ha7-35 *Ha7-36 *Ha7-37
*Ha7-38 *Ha7-39 *Ha7-40 (384)

Tagata in *Ha7-34 should be read in contrast to tagata in *Ha7-37. Instead of an open empty hand a 'swelling fruit' seems to be developing. Autumn is the season of fruits.

And 3 long 'fingers' are hanging down at right in *Ha7-38, maybe intended to be a sign of inversion of the kai gesture, i.e. presumably to indicate rain. But clearly it is also an earlier phase of the development which ends in *Ha7-39 by splitting up the S-formed arm into a toki and an eyeless hau tea:

*Ha7-38 *Ha7-39 toki hau tea

In Wednesday (*Ha7-36, where 7 * 36 = 6 * 42) the haga rave sign at left is reversed, and from it is growing a 'person' without hands, i.e. the fiery light in the sky is no longer present:

*Ha7-35 *Ha7-36

After turning around at the top of high summer Sun will descend, and it is as if we are looking in a kind of peculiar 'mirror', he is no longer going up but going down. The reversed 'harbour of rest' is at left and the voyage now continues on the 'night side'.

The mouth depicted in Tuesday is definitely that of a person turned upside down. When in the 'mirror' we can see Sun going down instead of going up it does not function as in an ordinary mirror. The direction up is changed into the direction down. On the back side of the year up becomes down and vice versa. Likewise when we have read to the top of side a on a tablet and turn it to continue reading on the back side we suddenly are at the bottom. Therefore vaha kai is an ordinary mouth, it is not the reversal of a mouth. Neither is it an ear.

Although the glyph numbers indicate 13 months this can only be true if we start counting from the end of high summer of the previous year. In other words, if we divide by 2 then the result could be the time counted from the beginning of side a. Counting by Moon we should divide by 2 in order to reach the age of Sun, because she is born 180° earlier than Sun, in the middle of summer.

384 / 2 = 192 (= 12 * 16 = 8 * 24) will then be the number of days according to Sun time, i.e. just beyond summer solstice. Maui has just been swallowed and 'the king of shadows' (atariki) has taken command.