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8. The 'beast' is only one figure of 5 in a row. Or 10 if we also count the mirror figures at left of the center (of the back side of the statue). The direction from on high and obliquely downwards following the path of Sun, according to my interpretation, is in harmony with these numbers - Pachamama has 5 fingers on each of her hands.

The week has 7 days, not 5. This fact probably reflects a wish to count by Moon, and there are not so many as 14 planets. Perhaps that is why the week was invented. But anciently there could have been a structure based on a 5-day week, with each day represented by a finger. Such a 'week' could have begun with Sun and ended with Jupiter. Venus and Saturn would have been added by those who instead counted by Moon.

Given a week with only 5 days, beginning with Sun and ending with Jupiter, the 'beast' should be in its center, the position of Mars. From this fiery position water is waiting ahead:

These are the 4th and 5th figures in the row. In the 4th figure fish heads surround the 'king', who has a lower position than the previous 'Mars beast'. The dotted lines on his face could indicate 'no longer visible' - down in the sea visibility declines quickly. In his head gear he has 3 fish heads and a sign which represents the shell of a snail. Following the order of our own week we can say that this, the 4th figure, represents Mercury (Wednesday).

The 5th figure, at right, is dotted all over. There is a central broad column, probably representing the stem of the World Tree, and a Sun head is located both at its bottom and top. Jupiter is 'the father of light' and he is connected with such trees as oaks (which seem to draw lightning). The fish heads are gone. Instead we can see a pair of eagle heads with single-rimmed eyes. Sun himself, though, has eyes with double rims. The dotted figure presumably represents the transformational stage from one 'generation' to the next, like the dry head of One Hunaphu ('the old calabash') up in a tree.

At the other end of the row, in its first position, there is also a representation of Sun. But here there is only one version of him:

The position of the cross with 3 fire signs at the top is very high, but at bottom there are fish heads. The first of the 5 figures should be a Sun-day. The head of the following great 'king' is highly located too, higher than that of the following 'Mars beast' but lower than the previous 'fire tree'. Not much suggests this 'king' represents Moon, but the position between Sun and Mars says so. And the double-rimmed eye confirms it, this is a 'night king', or rather a 'night queen'. Her 3 fingers (and thumb) could allude to 3 * 5 = 15 as the number of nights to full moon.