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2. In Eb7-8 the top end of the toa sign (center) is like the top end of niu in Eb7-10, but the bottom end of toa in Eb7-8 resembles the bottom end of hipu:

Eb7-2 Eb7-8 Eb7-10

Eb7-8 could be both the 'end station' of the 'voyage' from hipu in Eb7-2 and the beginning of next season.

Furthermore, vai in Eb7-4 has the normal 4 crescent ends around its circumference, but in Eb7-8 only 3 of them remain, at least such is the impression:

Eb7-4 Eb7-8

3 is a number which indicates the ages of Sun:

Hor, or Horus, or Harpocrates, and Chepera morning sun
Ra noon
Tum or Atmu evening sun

4 crescent signs in Eb7-4 is not the number of ages of Sun, unless we add Osiris (Sun in the night). Sun is born at midnight (or in midwinter), although it still is not morning (or spring). I will return to this matter later on.