7. After having documented on paper the first two of the 'improved' rongorongo texts it became possible to compare them in a way which earlier had been difficult. There are 'parallels' (sequences of glyphs which more or less clearly describe the same of similar events). Such parallels are either 'internal' (in the same rongorongo text) or 'external' (in different texts). An example of an internal parallel in the Tahua text:

Ab3-2 Ab3-3 Ab3-4 Ab3-5 Ab3-6 Ab3-7
Ab5-11 Ab5-12 Ab5-13 Ab5-14 Ab5-15 Ab5-16

These similarities cannot be due to chance. I decided all parallels (both internal and external) should be documented in such a way as to help in the process of decoding which lay ahead. Most easy was just to put them in parallel as above (and to do it at both places).

To the tedious and time-consuming labour of cutting out glyphs (it took me more than a year because it was practically impossible to concentrate for more than say 20 glyphs in a session) I now added another labour-intensive project - to search systematically for parallels in all the texts. In the beginning there were only two texts to compare, but then three, four etc. It could be done in the easy-chair outside in the sunshine, though.