13. A few years into my work it became obvious that writing on paper was not the right method. I produced so many papers of various kinds that it soon would become practically impossible to relocate notes I wished to look at again.

So I went to an evening course and learnt the basics of FrontPage, a programming language ideal for documenting in a structured way and also enabling cross-references in a simple manner. By activating the right hyperlink the wished for page would instantly appear on my computer screen.

I built up a 'site' for my rongorongo studies, and it proved to be a very efficient tool. Instead of moving slowly forward like a snail I now could fly like a bird. Tasks which would have been virtually impossible on paper suddenly were within grasp. Imagination was the limit.

FrontPage is a language created to help in constructing internet sites, and in order to ensure a good backup of all the megabytes which accumulated in my computer I went on and copied my computer site onto a site on internet, an internet site of my own. Yet, I do not fully trust the electronic world and I therefore still copy everything down on paper.