Evidence suggests Sun has left in *Ha6-26 and dictated by this important statement Mars (Spring Sun) has been pushed into position *Ha6-28 (where 6 * 28 = 168 = 7 * 24):
The visibility high up has vanished and the season of rain has begun. The liquid Mercury is to blame. 6 * 29 = 174 and 174 + 64 = 238 > 8 * 29.5 (and 174 + 73 = 247 > 8 * 30). 3 as in Spring Sun has left and 3 ihe tau glyphs mark the end with Saturn as the last one in position 20 * 18 (and 6 * 32 = 192):
A new season will then arrive and it is the season of nuku (*Ha6-36), who has no rima (arms). |