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The picture is complex. 243 seems to carry more weight than 244, but it is hard to decide which of these numbers is embedded in the texts. An example is offered by kara etahi in Aa2-33 (cfr at vaero):

10 229
Aa2-33 (123) Aa2-34 Aa2-45 Aa2-46 Aa5-33 (366)
243 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 244

From painstaking work studying the glyphs in the first lines on side a of Tahua we know with a rather high degree of confidence that the beginning of the front side of the year is the topic. Maybe 243 should be counted from Aa2-34, in which case 366 will be 243 and Aa2-46 (136) will be glyph number 13.

A comparison with G has suggested kara etahi in Aa2-33 corresponds to Ga1-1, one lunar doublemonth beyond Tama:

Aa1-59 Aa1-60 Aa1-61 Aa1-62 Aa1-63 Aa1-64 Aa2-33
Gb6-26 Gb6-27 Gb6-28 Gb7-1 Gb7-2 Gb7-3 Ga1-1

Ordinal number 123 becomes 243 if we add 120. And then we can go on and add another 120 in order to reach the day of Rogo (cfr at maro):

*Ca14-12 *Ca14-13 *Ca14-14 *Ca14-15 *Ca14-16 *Ca14-17
350 351 352 353 354 355
*Ca14-18 *Ca14-19 *Ca14-20 *Ca14-21 *Ca14-22 *Ca14-23
356 357 358 359 360 361
*Ca14-24 *Ca14-25 *Ca14-26 *Ca14-27 *Ca14-28 *Ca14-29
362 363 364 365 366 367 = 354 + 13

The glyph numbers were here counted from Ca1-26, and 14 * 26 (as in *Ca14-26) = 364:

49 312
Ca1-26 Ca3-25 *Ca14-26
50 314
14 * 26