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If *Rb1-17 stands at midsummer and is a hint of the shape of the 'Tree', then the bird pair could 'alight' in it while 'time comes to a standstill':

*Rb1-17 (244) Rb2-1 Rb2-2 Rb2-3
180 (= 244 - 64) 181 182 183
Rb2-4 Rb2-5 Rb2-6 (250) Rb2-7 Rb2-8 Rb2-9 Rb2-10
184 185 186 187 188 189 190
Rb2-11 Rb2-12 Rb2-13 Rb2-14 Rb2-15 Rb2-16 (260) Rb2-17
191 3 * 64 193 194 195 7 * 28 197
... ...
Rb2-18 Rb2-19 Rb2-20 (264) Rb2-21 Rb2-22 *Rb2-23 *Rb2-24
198 199 200 201 202 203 204

Tagata with empty hand and an elbow ornament which shows a closed cycle is glyph number 4 * 64 = 256 counted from *Rb9-30.

In the Hawaiian moon calendar we will reach the 'end of the tree' (Rakau-pau) in the 24th night counted from 26 Kane in the preceding month:

1 Hilo 7 Ole-ku-kahi 14 Akua 21 Ole-ku-kahi 26 Kane
2 Hoaka 8 Ole-ku-lua 15 Hoku 22 Ole-ku-lua 27 Lono
3 Ku-kahi 9 Ole-ku-kolu 16 Mahea-lani 23 Ole-pau 28 Mauli
4 Ku-lua 10 Ole-pau 17 Kulu 24 Kaloa-ku-kahi 29 Muku
5 Ku-kolu 11 Huna 18 Laau-ku-kahi 25 Kaloa-ku-lua
6 Ku-pau 12 Mohalu 19 Laau-ku-lua
  13 Hua 20 Laau-pau

The 2nd list of place names has Hanga Ohiro as the 'end of the tree', I have suggested:

*Rb1-17 Rb2-1 Rb2-2 Rb2-3
17 Opata roa a mana aia. 18 vai tara kai u(a) a ngao roaroa a ngao tokotokoa. 19 hia uka a hakairiiri a hakaturuturu. 20 hanga ohiro a pakipaki renga.

1. Neck. 2. Glans penis (te gao o te kohio), neck of penis. Vanaga.

Neck, throat, (naho G); gao pukupuku, scrofula; hore te gao, to cut the head off; arakea gao, scrofula. Gaogao, calm. Gaoku, to eat greedily. Gaopu, to choke on a bone. Churchill.


To come down, to go down, to descend; ka-turu-age koe ki tai, go down to the sea now; turuga, coming down, descent. Vanaga.

1. To fall in drops, to flow, to leak, to descend, a drop; turu ki tai, to take refuge at sea; hakaturu, to cause to descend, to lower, to take soundings; hakaturuturu, to heave and pitch. Turuga, declivity. Turuvai, water conduit. P Mgv.: akaturu, to conduct water in a drain. Ta.: tuturu, to fall in drops. 2. To stay, to prop. T Pau.: turu, a post, pillar, to sustain. Mgv.: turu, a support, rod, stay, to sustain. Ta.: turu, stay, support; turuturu, posts of a house. Ha.: kukulu, a pillar, a post.  3. To come, to arrive, to overcome; tehe e turu, through and through; hakarava hakaturu, quadrangular. Churchill.

On the map the high terrain is finished and Anakena lies ahead:

I will, though, not try to put the following items (beyond number 20 in the 2nd list of place names) in parallel with the glyphs of R. We have done enough for the moment.