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So now there are 2 glyphs from the K text registered as hupee:

*Ka1-20 *Kb5-12

*Kb5-12 is no obvious hupee, though. But the bottom part made me classify it not only as nuku (because of its upper part) but also as hupee.

5 * 12 = 60 says the glyph stands at a borderline and if I have counted the glyphs of K correctly it is number 184.

184 - 20 = 164, and 16 * 4 = 64. While 18 * 4 = 72. Only 8 glyphs remain to the end at 192.

A single 'feather' at top left could refer to 'the single leg of Sun' but ahead there are 2 'feathers'. The left 'root' is fatter than the right one.

Much has been written about *Ka1-20 and *Kb5-12 earlier in various places in this dictionary, but the reader must search for himself. Here I only wish to quote from gagana, because of the evident connection between hupee and gagana in *Ka1-20 respectively *Ka1-21:

*Ka1-20 *Ka1-21 *Ka1-22 *Ka1-23 *Ka1-24
Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus

The bottom of gagana is like an upside down variant of the top of hupee at midsummer:

gagana hupee