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Item 14 therefore could denote the 1st period of 'Waxing Moon' in her voyage beyond spring, in her cycle of 'stand-in' for absent Sun:

14 hatu ngoio a taotao ika. 15
28 ko tongariki a henga eha tunu kioe
ka haka punenenene henua mo opoopo o
29 ko te rano a raraku.

She is growing in importance when daylight is waning. It can also be imagined that she is carrying next year's Sun child to be born in midwinter.

In her role as 'Waxing Moon' she must be a 'rising fish'. She moves from west (from the North Cape) to east, as we can recall (cfr at Tahana):

... The men on board the royal canoe looked out from Varinga Te Toremo (the northeastern cape of the Poike peninsula). Then they saw the canoe of the queen, the canoe of Ava Rei Pua, as it reached Papa Te Kena (on the northern shore, east of Hanga Oteo).

Honga came and gazed in the direction below (i.e., toward the west). He called out to the noteworthy ruler (? ariki motongi) Hotu: 'There is the canoe of the queen! It will be the first one to land!' At this news King Hotu replied to Honga, 'Recite (rutu) ('powerful incantations') as though the ten brothers of the chief (ariki maahu) were one whole (?).' The ten recited with all their might. This is what they recited: 'Let all movement (? konekone) cease!' They recited and sailed on swiftly: Honga, Te Kena, Nuku Kehu, Nga Vavai, Oti, Tive (corrected for 'Sive'), Ngehu, Hatu, Tuki, and Pu (corrected for 'Bu'). He worked mana in the fishing grounds ...

We should notice that Hatu was number 8 of the 10, and figure 8 is a double-oval sign.