Let us now return to the Dendera 'sky ceiling'. There is more to say:
Libra should be at autumn equinox because we can see it weighs even. Another way to read the sign is to recognize that the 2 scales are alluding to the Moon, who rules the 'watery' lower half of the sky dome and who has two 'legs'. ![]() In this blue southern world we can instead say that she has two sandbanks. One Tea the last (15th) growing moon station ought to be in the west and Hanga Moria One in the east; at the last kuhane station for the ruling Sun king (number 26) a new ruler will soon arrive. The upper half of the globe, the cap, is ruled by the single Sun. The Sun god in Tiahuanaco (at about the same latitude as Easter Island) has a vertical staff in his right hand and it has a single cap at the top, which probably represents the high sky of midsummer:
According to the Dendera view Libra is inside the blue U-form, which has 'enveloped' 8 of the signs north of the equator. At the other end of the U-form is Pisces. It is clear that there is a relationship between Libra and Pisces also because of the long straight lines. There are 2 fishes and 2 straight lines connecting them with the vertical staff held by the 11th (counted from left to right) blue figure (below the Ram). The 'blue world' is about to end, because it is autumn equinox south of the equator. I guess the 2 straight lines emerging from the vertical staff are meant to illustrate how the single rule of Sun here changes into the double rule of Moon when she moves backwards in time into winter north of the equator. The withershins movement of Moon is here beautifully explained. North of the equator winter could possibly have been regarded as 5 months (Scorpio - Pisces) and summer as 7 months (Ram - Libra). South of the equator it could have been 5 winter months from the blue standing 'fools cap' figure up to and including 'waning moon' Anuket followed by 7 summer months from Satit up to and including the great Moon circle below the lower of the 2 fishes in Pisces. Inside this circle we can recognize a gesture similar to how 'waxing moon' Anuket delivers a sun child:
Read from the 'black world' (to which Pisces belong) the 2 straight lines can be interpreted as an illustration of how spring forces apart the original dark world when sky and earth lie in close embrace. The opening between the fishes is on the 'front side', i.e. greeting the rising Sun who arrives from the wintry top. The same opening sign is used by 'waxing moon' Anuket in presenting her sun child. Her arms are forming it. In the great blue circle in autumn only a single arm is used in presenting the little 'child' who possibly is a hippopotamus (a creature down in the water). Moving to Easter Island, south of the equator, the Y-form connected with Pisces is in rongorongo apparently represented by the mouth of a single rising great fish:
Y seems to have been used in the dark time which soon was to change into a time for the living (under the revitalizing light from the single ruler the Sun):
In the left hand of the Tiahuanaco Sun god the staff has the same kind of Y-form. Moon envelops 8 blackmarked stations because Libra and Pisces define points in time, and it is by the Moon time is measured. If we eliminate Libra and Pisces from the blackmarked wheel only 10 Sun stations remain, 6 in summer and 4 in winter. Counting withershins from the 'hippotamus child' (great blue circle below the lower of the twin fishes) we will find the 8th and last sign before next child is born to be the henen figure. He stands in the dark time before the new sun emerges south of the equator. Another 8 signs are then needed to complete the cycle, which ends with the 'opening up in the north' sign described by Pisces. It should be contrasted with the 'opening up below' described by the henen figure. We can see that henen is an opening up sign which is barred - no light can enter. |