In overview we can see that our own (blackmarked) zodiac describes a circle: ![]() The bluemarked signs envelop this circle in a formation like U, and I think this zodiac refers to the Moon. Therefore I have rotated the picture so that the bird perching on top of a kind of pole is at the bottom. It is sign number 8, with a further 4 blue signs to the right. The Moon is governed by Venus, and 8 * 29.5 = 236. Satit is not aiming her bow at the Sothis cow but at the perching bird, which reminds us about One-Hunaphu (a Mars character) aiming his blowgun at Seven-Macaw who in his pride thought he was the Sun:
A man has a straight weapon, a woman a bent one (as the Moon crescent). Both these perching birds probably indicate solstices, One-Hunaphu (Mars, the spring garment of the Sun) is eliminating the standstill at winter solstice and Satit the standstill at summer solstice. In the solar (blackmarked) zodiac the wheel of time is moving clockwise (Ram, Taurus, Gemini etc). In the lunar (bluemarked) zodiac the wheel of time is moving counterclockwise - the standing ram god with his henen comes before his wives and before his child (in the 4th sign):
If we identify his child with the kuhane station Tama, then the standing ram god should be the preceding Roto Iri Are, which agrees with earlier arguments (cfr at hoea): ... The importance of Roto Iri Are can be quickly described by pointing to number 13, because even we in the civilized world understand that sign. It is a 'dark' month. Once there were 13 zodiacal signs, but one was eliminated - the Serpent (or, more to the point, Ophiuchus - the 'Snake'-Bearer) ... Furthermore, the preceding blue lion turning his head around and 'standing on water' (enclosed in the 'box' below his front paws) should be at Hatinga Te Kohe (12 * 29.5 = 354), the obvious final for the rule of Sun. The straight beam above in Libra is intact but south of the equator it is being broken. We can say that the rule of Sun is being transferred from the southern hemisphere to the northern. But already at Akahanga (11 * 29.5 = 324½) Sun has disappeared from view, as we know. The first of the bluemarked 'stations' is a figure with a tall conical 'hat'. Probably it signifies how the 'head' is hidden and it has become dark. Such a conical hat is also Aquarius wearing. It is a fool's cap, suitable for someone in a dark corner. The reason why Libra and the following (reading counterclockwise - by the Moon) blackmarked signs are 'inside' the bluemarked U seems to be to indicate how Moon from Akahanga is the sole ruler in the sky. Moving forward with the Moon beyond Roto Iri Are we first will encounter 'the east bank of the Nile', i.e. Anuket 'impersonating' the waxing moon. Tama is born here, and a new year (as measured by the moon) is beginning. Next station, beyond Tama, is One Tea, where the Queen of Hotu Matua dies. 15 * 29.5 = 442½ and in analogy with 324½ we can guess she is still living in day 442. The 'jaw' in Gb7-31 is formed as a sign of waning moon:
In Gb8-1 the sign of double heads (kea) apparently corresponds to the tagata rere posture of Anuket as waning moon. Crustaceous creatures (kea, Cancer, Scorpio) signify 'old'. For instance is Scorpio the last (the 12th) 'station' counted counterclockwise from 'Harpocrates' (balancing on the straight beam of Libra). Beyond One Tea lies (according to Manuscript E) Hanga Takaure, the 'Bay of Flies' (souls of the dead). 16 * 29.5 = 472 and we have arrived at puo in Gb8-30. A month is used in order to 'ignite a new fire'. The reversed manu rere (Gb8-5) is exceptional in turning his face to the left, away from the rising Sun. The reason is that he is the rising Sun. When the Sun spirit (manu rere) is returning to earth again it can be expressed by a reversed manu rere. The journey will then go upwards from sea-level to the height of Poike. Satit stands (so to say) at Hanga Takaure and she points her arrow upwards. The Sothis cow is uplifed into the sky like the souls of the dead (the 'flies'). If Leo in his boat is the spirit of the dead Sun - having spent his 300 days - then Sothis ought to be the spirit of the dead Moon. The 17th station of the kuhane must be the beginning of a new season, 17 * 29.5 = 501½. Maybe the Sothic cycle is alluded to, because 1460 * 365¼ = 533265 days = 17 * 31368.53 where 313-68-53 is an interesting number sequence. We must end here before we loose control in this complicated game. But let us do so by looking at an interesting myth about another lady archer. |