When it is spring equinox north of the equator (and Pisces can be observed) it is autumn equinox south of the equator. The idea of fishes and a square (the Pegasus square) can though be associated with spring equinox also south of the equator. It hardly matters if the time of observation must be changed in order to see Pisces and the square.

Indeed, the model of the path of the sun (with constellations, planets, equinoxes etc) was probably so well defined already from a very long time ago that it would have been impossible to change it without destroying it.

Astrology will not change the position of Pisces when the sky dome has moved spring equinox (north of the equator) to Aquarius. At hua the situation has been described:


... At the beginning of time there is water everywhere, and Noah in his square-formed ark must wait until land will reemerge. The picture language is universal.

Saturn with his sickle is by this instrument defined to be connected with the patch of land. He is the reaper of the crop grown last year.

Therefore he must appear in time just before the appearance of the new year, when the new 'land' emerges.

Once Pisces (and therefore also the Pegasus Square) was located around winter solstice. Due to the precession of the equinoxes it has now moved to spring (north of the equator). The fishes have been moved up onto 'land'.

But astrology is a conservative business. Therefore the square and Saturn are still remembered as located at the darkest of times, when new land not yet has risen above the 'waters' which 'inundated the old fire'.

Land is in contrast to the sea. Land is therefore close in meaning to light (and fire which is the source of light). And land is henua:


The vertical staff serves to show how the sky roof is propped up to let in the light, a light which will shine on the fields to make them fruitful.

The horizontal direction is the opposite - defined by the surface of the cold sea ...


Possibly, therefore, the rhomb seen for instance in vaero glyphs may depict the Pegasus square:


The tail part will then be understood as referring to fishes. The orientation of the square depends on perspective, and the corners of this picture of 'earth' should be the equinoxes and the solstices.