But with 403 or 404 as the period in focus it will be realized that this hahe will also be at the beginning:
Anyhow, there are 10 + 2 = 12 feathers in haś, which surely must refer to the final of the sun. And a head is turned upside down in Aa7-85. Presumably the end of the old year can be identified as glyph number 408 (as in G) - given that Aa3-8 is number 1:
Tagata here indicates that old sun is fully grown. Sun has at position 590 (counted from Aa1-1) reached to his end. 590 = 20 * 29.5. We have now discussed hahe in Aa3-9 enough for the time being. It was necessary to do so in some detail in order to identify where it belongs in the structure of Tahua. For a briefer discussion relating to the other hahe glyphs in Tahua - see here. Hahe in Aa3-9 must logically be connected with sun as a little baby, because the little rhomb in the center agrees in form with that at top center in Aa3-10. In hahe sun is still hidden, while at the top of manu kake he is seen like a beacon from all directions. |