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2. If the hahe sign refers to the dark side of time, then the idea of surround (hahe) could refer to how a mummy is made into a bundle, hahi.

When the great light in the sky (Sun, Moon, or other luminary) disappears for a while it can be described as if the light had been enwrapped in a black cloth.

Sunday, according to the text of H, has a glyph (rau hei) which seems to illustrate how in nighttime Sun is like a mummy:

Hb9-17 Hb9-18 Hb9-19 Hb9-20 Hb9-21

The ordinal number for Hb9-19 counted from Ha1-1 is 1079 and 1079 / 3 = 359.67, i.e. Hb9-19 apparently could be denoting the end of the last day of a year with 360 days.

The beginning of the Mayan calendar has 3 month signs which exhibit what looks like hahe signs:

1 Pop 2 Uo 3 Zip
3 * 20 = 60 days

In the beginning there is no light. The light is 'barred':

'... When it was evident that the years lay ready to burst into life, everyone took hold of them, so that once more would start forth - once again - another (period of) fifty-two years. Then (the two cycles) might proceed to reach one hundred and four years. It was called 'One Age' when twice they had made the round, when twice the times of binding the years had come together. 

Behold what was done when the years were bound - when was reached the time when they were to draw the new fire, when now its count was accomplished. First they put out fires everywhere in the country round. And the statues, hewn in either wood or stone, kept in each man's home and regarded as gods, were all cast into the water. Also (were) these (cast away) - the pestles and the (three) hearth stones (upon which the cooking pots rested); and everywhere there was much sweeping - there was sweeping very clear. Rubbish was thrown out; none lay in any of the houses ...'