Not pregnant becomes pregnant within either 6 lunar months or within 4 lunar months:

waxing becomes pregnant
36 139 33
Ca2-11 (37) Ca7-9 (177)
6 * 29.5 = 177
210 = 14 * 15
waning becomes pregnant
116 64
Ca8-12 (211) Ca12-12 (328)
118 = 4 * 29.5
182 = 13 * 14

392 = 13 * 14 (half 364) + 14 * 15 (7 months with 30 days in each).

Side a of Mamari measures out 7 solar months with 30 days in each together with 7 sacred months with 26 days in each.

392 = 14 * 28 = two squares of 14 = 13 * 14 + 15 * 14.

64 (beyond Ca12-12) + 36 (before Ca2-11) = 100 which could allude to 100 dark days when Sun is covered by earth. 100 + 300 = 400. The new fire is ignited at Ca2-11 (presumably by Saturn).

There ought to be 8 dark nights somewhere, in addition to those 392 which are documented. Maybe they like Venus when she is absent cannot be seen - therefore they are not seen in the text.

392 / 8 = 49 = 7 * 7 could be the square which measures the time of visibility. The 'land of 8' (Te Varu Kaiga) maybe should not be on a rongorongo tablet.