If Ca8-25 announces the beginning of a new cycle it could be one with 168 days, because Ca8-25 is glyph number 224 counted from Ca1-1 and 392 - 224 = 168.

And there are 168 glyphs up to the end of line Ca6:

167 54 167
Ca6-28 Ca7-1 Ca8-25 (224) Ca8-26
168 = 21 * 8 56 = 7 * 8 168 = 21 * 8
392 = 7 * 56 = 49 * 8

224 = 28 * 8 = 4 * 56. Therefore, 168 must be 3 * 56. The structure defined by tagata rere moe probably is meant to be:

167 54 167
Ca6-28 Ca7-1 Ca8-25 (224) Ca8-26
4 * 56 = 8 * 28 3 * 56 = 6 * 28
392 = 14 * 28