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We have now reached at least some understanding of the 'fire'-oriented tagata (r)ere glyphs:

in the dark
Saturn (†) 290 = 10 * 29 Sun (*)
ignites the fire  is covered up
Ca2-11 Ca12-12 (328)

The bulging stomach does not (primarily) means pregnancy, it is rather referring to how the hot stones are covered up by earth in the oven (umu), used for cooking (tao).

A wordplay with tau seems involved, because that term was (is still?) used in Samoa to designate a period of 6 months. When Sun goes to his winter maid far up in the north, 'disappears' for 6 months, it resembles cooking (tau) in the earth, Sun is no longer high up in the sky. The hungry have to wait.

Furthermore, Tauono means Six Stones and refers to the Pleiades. Likewise, Tautoru is the Belt of Orion. The stars are 'fires' in the sky and they are also 'stones'. The 'fire' which Saturn is igniting presumably is located at Tautoru.

If we add 3 quarters to 6 hours, where Orion is, we will reach 24 hours (which happens to be equal to 12 + 12). There is no rectascension 24h, instead this is zero hour (0h), and it is where the square of Pegasus and Pisces are located - it is spring equinox north of the equator.

From zero to 1h no time can be counted, it is a time when you are 'in the dark' (as to what time it is). In a more general sense this is also a dark time, mythologically speaking, because 'land' has been submerged by the 'sea' (both being in the sky).

The great Sun to the right in Ca12-12 is in front and therefore could refer to summer ahead. I think spring equinox this time could mean spring equinox also on Easter Island, not autumn equinox. But they had to watch the stars at another time in the nights to keep the familiar constellations in their right places during the year. 'Longitude' must be reserved, but 'latitude' must be reversed.