A black hole in the place of the eye (Ca7-11) indicates Saturn. In the following glyph Sun has reached his lowest stage, instead of an apex up as at midsummer the apex is straight down. Full moon is on her way. The Moon position of Jupiter (Ca7-9) means pregnancy, now she is two 'persons'. When Moon has arrived at the Mars position (Ca7-14) hua is at left, he has been born! The night Ohua is shown (if I have managed to correlate glyphs with names properly) with a sun child (3 + 3 feathers) to the left of the moon crescent. The growing moon is receiving light from her sun child. Haru in Maharu could mean 'to raise':
Tua in Otua should mean the back side. Beyond the 15 'feathers' (nights) on haś the back side will come. It is as if the 3rd period is at the end of growing moon, and that the rest of the month is something else and separate.
During her pregnancy Moon moves towards a position in the morning, because at that time the sun child will be born in the east. Once this has happened the most important part of the month will be in the past. 28 + 8 = 36. |