The idea of sea waves in Qb2-15 and Qb2-24 finds support among the ua glyphs of Tahua:
Though in Aa6-25 and Aa6-35 the waves are, it seems, submerging the entities below. In Qb2-15 and Qb2-24 the meaning ought to be the opposite of submerging. Having read how 'fire feathers' can be subdued by an object between them and the observer, it is quite natural to see the same trick used here in order to illustrate how the waves of the sea are subdued (as when an egg case, impersonating the sea, is washed high ashore):
In C the winter solstice sun (at *Ca14-23) is half hidden. But in Qb2-15 another phenomenon must be depicted, maybe the change from a season of water to a season of land. If so, then the time could be say 4 months beyond winter solstice. We need to investigate where in the text cycle of Q these two ika hiku glyphs are located. We need facts. |