The 3 vero glyphs seem to function as if they were 'spears' (vero) killing the 'years'. They 'turn them over face down' (vero).
Maro in Ca6-24 seems to be 'in tune' with a moon year ending after 13 * 29 = 12 * 31 + 5 = 377 days:
377 = 200 + 6 * 29.5, and a year which is 400 days long maybe must be considered in order to find out where maro in Ca6-24 has its proper function.
14 * 14 = 196 and if we add 213 (the distance from maro in Ca6-24 to *Ca14-14) we will reach 409. The 'hidden feathers' connect *Ca14-14 with *Ca14-23. The central element in *Ca14-14 is Y, a sign identifying the back side (tu'a). Y is the inversion of the top of the maro glyphs. From *Ca14-14 to *Ca14-23 there are 9 days, equal to the distance from Hatinga Te Kohe (354) to Rogo (363). |