The 3 vero glyphs seem to function as if they were 'spears' (vero) killing the 'years'. They 'turn them over face down' (vero).

The Rogo year turns around in day 363 (where '36' becomes '63').

13 * 20 = 260

Ca13-19 Ca13-20 (363)
A kind of moon 'year' ends 10 days later.

14 * 10 = 140 (= 280 / 2)

*Ca14-9 *Ca14-10 (373)
Hatinga Te Kohe at 354 (= 379 - 25).

14 * 16 = 224 (= 354 - 260 / 2)

*Ca14-15 *Ca14-16 (379)

Maro in Ca6-24 seems to be 'in tune' with a moon year ending after 13 * 29 = 12 * 31 + 5 = 377 days:

*Ca14-9 *Ca14-10 (373) *Ca14-11 *Ca14-12 *Ca14-13 *Ca14-14 (377)

377 = 200 + 6 * 29.5, and a year which is 400 days long maybe must be considered in order to find out where maro in Ca6-24 has its proper function.

212 8
Ca6-24 (164) *Ca14-14 (377) *Ca14-23 (386)
222 14 * 23 = 322

14 * 14 = 196 and if we add 213 (the distance from maro in Ca6-24 to *Ca14-14) we will reach 409.

The 'hidden feathers' connect *Ca14-14 with *Ca14-23. The central element in *Ca14-14 is Y, a sign identifying the back side (tu'a). Y is the inversion of the top of the maro glyphs.

From *Ca14-14 to *Ca14-23 there are 9 days, equal to the distance from Hatinga Te Kohe (354) to Rogo (363).