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*Ca14-15 is exactly the same vero type as in Ca13-19:

glyph numbers counted from Ca1-1
Ca13-19 Ca13-20 (363) *Ca14-1 *Ca14-2 *Ca14-3 *Ca14-4 *Ca14-5 (368)
day numbers counted from Ca1-26
*Ca14-15 *Ca14-16 *Ca14-17
353 354 355

This type of vero has a sign in form of a bulbous bottom, it alludes to Rogo:

Ca13-19 Rogo *Ca14-15

Counting by the sun the day is 1 day before the turning point (363), counting by the moon it is one day before the last night (354 = 12 * 29.5). The meaning is the same, but the numbers are different.

Ca13-19 Ca13-20 *Ca14-15 *Ca14-16
362 363 353 354

Different text segments use different rulers.