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*Ca14-1 represents day 364:

glyph numbers counted from Ca1-1
Ca13-16 Ca13-17 Ca13-18 Ca13-19 Ca13-20 (363)
*Ca14-1 (364) *Ca14-2 *Ca14-3 (366) *Ca14-4 *Ca14-5

We have recently identified another glyph as presumably representing day 364:

25 49 312
Ca1-26 Ca3-25 (76) Ca14-26 (389)
50 314
364 = 14 * 26

If we go by that, then the day numbers will be as below and rather meaningless:

*Ca14-1 (364) *Ca14-2 *Ca14-3 (366) *Ca14-4 *Ca14-5 (368)
339 340 341 342 343