A, á

A. 1. Prep.: for, over, by; a nei, over here; a ruga, above; a te tapa, by the side. 2. Genitive particle, used preceding proper names and singular personal pronouns: te poki a Mateo, Mateo's child; aana te kai, the food is his. 3. Particle often used before nouns and pronouns, especially when these are introduced by a preposition such as i, ki; ki a îa, to him, for him. Vanaga.

Á. 1. Á or also just a, article often used preceding proper names and used in the meaning of 'son of...': Hei á Paega, Hei, son of Paenga. 2. Very common abbreviation of the particle ana, used following verbs: ku-oti-á = ku-oti-ana; peira-á = peira-ana. 3. (Also á-á.) Exclamation expressing surprise or joy, which can also be used as a verb: he-aha-koe, e-á-ana? what's happening with you, that you should exclaim 'ah'? He tu'u au e-tahi raá ki te hare o Eva i Puapae. I-ûi-mai-era ki a au, he-á-á-mai, he-tagi-mai 'ka-ohomai, e repa ê'. one day I came to Eva's house in Puapae. Upon seeing me she exclaimed: 'ah, ah' and she said, crying: 'Welcome, lad'. Vanaga.