At viri it was discovered that there are 290 glyphs from Aa4-71 up to and including the viri with cut off top end, which means that between these two glyphs there are 288 glyphs:

26 * 29 = 754
462 288
Ab7-26 Aa4-70 Aa4-71 Aa8-26
464 = 16 * 29 290 = 10 * 29

Although 288 = 8 * 36, it is more reasonable to count with 2 glyphs per day and then find 288 to be equal to 4 * 36 = 144 = 12 * 12 days. Because Aa4-71 seems to be located in the middle of summer and the 'cut-off' viri at the end of the year. Furthermore, with 2 glyphs per day 462 will be equal to 231 days.

... With 2 glyphs per day (the assumption we have used for locating kuhane stations in Tahua) ordinal number 365 for Aa4-72 is to be read as half that number in days:

Aa4-70 Aa4-71 Aa4-72 Aa4-73 Aa4-74 Aa4-75
363 364 365 366 367 368
182 183 184

If we reduce 183 days with the 3 weeks from pito at Ab8-43 to the end of side b, we will have 183 - 21 = 162 days left, equal to 9 * 18, which could be a way to say that sun (18 as in 180) has reached his limit (9). Furthermore, 4-72 can be read as 4 * 72 = 288, and with 2 glyphs per day that means 144 = 12 * 12 - a sun square is finished.