In G number 233 marks summer solstice, and the reason this number is far greater than 180 is that the calendar has 8 fortnights added to 360 days. If the text of H also has 8 * 14 = 112 glyphs embedded somewhere between Ha1-1 and Ha5-17, then Ha5-17 will be in the same position as Gb1-3:
Suppose we try to apply the structure of side a of G on side a of H. Then 233 at Ha5-17 can be reduced to 233 - 112 = 121 (which also Gb1-3 will have if we take away 112):
We will not come close to 180 because winter solstice (according to G) lies 63 days (or rather 60 days if the 3 intercalated days, Gb6-27--Gb7-1, are disregarded) before the beginning of side a. 233 - 112 + 60 = 181, but Gb1-1--2 could be intercalated days increasing the waning sun half of the year to 2 + 177 + 3 = 182: