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The distance from the first to the second of the two redmarked hanau glyphs is 70:

Ga6-17 (158) Ga8-24 (228)

8 * 24 (as in Ga8-24) = 192 (which is the number of glyphs in K). 228 - 192 = 36, and the 36th glyph (counted from Gb8-30) comes in the 3rd period in a 6-period calendar:

1 1
Ga2-1 Ga2-2 Ka2-11 Ka2-12
2 2
Ga2-3 Ga2-4 Ka2-13 Ka2-14
3 3
Ga2-5 (36) Ga2-6 Ka2-15 Ka2-16
4 4
Ga2-7 Ga2-8 Ka2-17 Ka2-18
5 5
Ga2-9 Ga2-10 Ka2-19 Ka2-20
6 6
Ga2-11 Ga2-12 Ka2-21 Ka2-22

Halfway through this calendar means midsummer if the calendar stretches for a year.