The last 4 days of the 140-day season beginning with viri at Ab1-1 we recognize from our previous hanau research. The 4 days are described by the 8 first glyphs of the 14 we have considered as a group (= henua periods 4-5):
Probably Ab4-33--36 should be regarded as a period separate from Ab4-37--42, we can now conclude. At the other side of the tablet Aa4-36 is the first half of a day, and we maybe should begin counting anew with Ab4-37 as glyph number 1 in order to reach reasonably low day numbers:
I have put day 337 and day 338 within parenthesis, because the words of Metoro suggest a new point of departure at Aa4-39, ki uta ki te pito o te henua (away from the sea, to the navel of the land). A rising fish at Aa4-41 is in harmony with this interpretation. Metoro said pito only 5 times during his reading of the 4 tablets. |