The first 12 glyphs on side a of Tahua probably refer to the 12 solar months in a 360-day year:
Aa1-9 Aa1-10 Aa1-11 Aa1-12

The 11th and 12th months are ihe tau glyphs (growing has stopped - life has gone).

The 2 'cuts' across the throat of 'kuukuu' are maro according to Metoro (ihe kuukuu ma te maro). The 2 marks across henua in Hb9-17 possibly allude to the 2 dark months of the solar year:

Hb9-17 Hb9-18 Hb9-19 Hb9-20 Hb9-21

In the Tongan dialect tukutuku means 'to sink in the sea'. In Hawaiian ke alanui a ke ku'uku'u is 'the path of the spider' (a name for the Equator).