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Gb3-14 (maybe alluding to π) has a curious variant of haati at left:

Gb3-12 Gb3-13 Gb3-14 Gb3-15 Gb3-16

Its ordinal number (counted from Gb8-30) is 305 = 5 * 61. It can be 'proven' - see excursion at the end of haati - that the intention is to read the ordinal number as 10 * 30½ (not as 5 * 61). It resembles Hua Reva (at 10 * 29.5 = 295) in being the final glyph before the 'night' ('black cloth') covers the earth - only 10 months are allotted to the sun. There is a hole in the head of the bird, a vacant place where its eye should be.

Therefore, we can insert Gb3-15 in its proper place, among other measures defined by 30½:

242 60 181
Gb8-30 Gb1-14 Gb3-14 Gb3-15 Ga1-16
244 = 8 * 30½ 61 = 2 * 30½ 244 = 6 * 30½
16 * 30½ = 488