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The structure of G can be described by using multiples of 29.5 and in accordance with the kuhane stations (as described in Manuscript E). Te Piringa Aniva is there given number 6:

1. Nga Kope Ririva 2. Te Pu Mahore
3. Te Poko Uri 4. Te Manavai
5. Te Kioe Uri 6. Te Piringa Aniva
7. Te Pei 8. Te Pou
9. Hua Reva 10. Akahanga
11. Hatinga Te Kohe 12. Roto Iri Are
13. Tama 14. One Tea
15. Hanga Takaure 16. Poike

However, the text of G has located Te Piringa Aniva as the first station on side a - quite naturally if this station indicates how the old sun is finished and a new one is being created by the efforts of all the people on the island:

Ga1-22 Ga1-23 Ga1-24 Ga1-25
Ga1-26 Ga1-27 Ga1-28 Ga1-29 Ga1-30

If ordinal numbers are counted from Ga1-1, a new fire could coincide with Rei in Ga1-30. Another possibility is to count from Ga1-22, in which case 472 will be at Ga1-22 and Te Piringa Aniva will come 7 glyphs beyond (and with Ga1-30 at 480):

Ga1-18 Ga1-19 Ga1-20 Ga1-21 Ga1-22
468 469 470 471 472

22 presumably indicates the cycle is closed and 480 = 20 * 24 perhaps has a similar meaning. A calendar cycle can be of immense length, the Maya have taught us, and 480 nights for a cycle is no impossibility.

Evidence 'proves' Ga1-22 to be the starting point of the sun journey.