At vae kore
the following list of kuhane stations was assembled:
The list has,
though, been updated to show 4 glyphs in A (corresponding to 2 in
G). Earlier
numbers for the glyphs in A have been reduced by 1 because counting
now begins with Ab8-44 rather than with pito (Ab8-43).
However, the numbers for the stations
(according to how many
multiples of 29.5 are needed), indicate Te Pito O Te Kainga
should be included as number 1:
1. Te Pito O Te Kainga |
2. Nga Kope Ririva |
Te Pu Mahore |
4. Te Poko Uri |
5. Te Manavai |
6. Te Kioe Uri |
7. Te Piringa Aniva |
Te Pei |
9. Te Pou |
10. Hua Reva |
11. Akahanga |
12. Hatinga Te Kohe |
13. Roto Iri Are |
14. Tama |
15. One Tea |
16. Hanga Takaure |
17. Poike |
18. Pua Katiki |
19. Maunga Teatea |
20. Mahatua |
21. Taharoa |
22. Hanga Hoonu |
23. Rangi Meamea |