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The number of glyphs on the G tablet is 471. It has been established that glyph number 236 (counted from Ga1-1) probably was meant to indicate a 'downfall', an idea connected with what happens when a cycle reaches its limit. There is a parallel between glyph number 236 and the kuhane station Te Pei:

Gb1-6 Gb1-7 (236)

In Gb1-6 'feathers' at the top illustrate the light from the sun at high summer, and in Gb1-7 it is all suddenly over - the power in the sky has 'toppled'. Apparently the same event is depicted in Aa6-14, a glyph with twice as large ordinal number (here counted from pito at Ab8-43):

Aa6-8 Aa6-9 Aa6-10 Aa6-11 Aa6-12 Aa6-13 Aa6-14 (472)
Aa6-15 Aa6-16 Aa6-17 Aa6-18 Aa6-19 Aa6-20 Aa6-21

The text in A is very long and probably two glyphs were used for each day.