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We have earlier (at viri) observed how Aa4-70 is occupying the expected place of the '4th viri' (Aa5-7) - which glyph was described by me as '... slightly bent forward, as if it was old':

100 361 18
Ab7-26 Ab8-43 Aa4-70 Aa5-7
16 * 29 + 19

Aa4-70 is the 8th and last hau tea of its kind, then comes two hau tea with a new sign, where the right vertical line is short:

Aa5-5 Aa5-63

Youthful spring is reaching maturity, in Aa5-63 the 'western horizon' is becoming a reality.

Aa4-70 has ordinal number 321 counted from Aa1-1, which possibly should be understood as one more than 10 * 32 - the season of growth is in the past. The 'colour' of hau tea then would implicitly be 'black', quite in order because its location is where a viri should have been. We can compare with G:

Gb3-30 Gb4-1 Gb4-33 Gb5-1
320 321 354 355

The message in Aa4-70 cannot, though, be 'black' (it would then have been reversed). Instead its location (both 321 and by dislocating viri) makes a powerful statement:

'Here is light and no darkness'.

After 8 'spreading out' hau tea high summer has been reached.