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Having succeeded in identifying in the text of G not only the whereabouts of Te Pei but also the other odd numbered kuhane stations along the south coast of the island, we could move on and also look at those with even numbers. A difficulty is that the distance between the established (odd numbered) stations and those with even numbers is not a whole number (29.5). If we list the stations with even numbers we must therefore show both glyph number 29 and 30 counted from the preceding odd numbered station:
2. Te Pu Mahore 10. Akahanga
Ga6-7 (147) Ga6-8 (148) Gb4-4 (324) Gb4-5 (325)
4. Te Manavai 12. Roto Iri Are
Ga4-5 (88) Ga4-6 (89) Gb6-1 (383) Gb6-2 (384)
6. Te Piringa Aniva 14. One Tea
Ga1-29 (29) Ga1-30 (30) Gb8-1 (442) Gb8-2 (443)
8. Te Pou 16. Poike Sun is rising here, and moon stops at 15. Hanga Takaure.
Gb2-10 (265) Gb2-11 (266)

It would lead too far to embark on a trip to all 7 stations with even numbers. But Sirius (Te Pou) is very important for us, which will be shown on next page.